PK events....

Nocashkilla Send PM


Posts: 344

Discrimination shouldn't be allowed.. happens all the time and nothing is done about it... if you dont like your team mate suck it up and play fair.

fucking bullshit having people team on you. also in a event other players shouldnt be allowed to kill you before the event even starts... mods just sit and watch it happen.

it has happened to me a few times and nothing is done. people and their god damn egos. this is why most people dont pk. because you guys are fucking scum bags and assholes.

you want skillers to pk more. well fuck im a skiller and i pk but this is the shit i got to deal with. im like one of the only that has the balls to put up with it

Last edited by Nocashkilla (10 Feb 2017 17:46)


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Nyx Send PM


Posts: 1,077

People do need to realise when wild is dead and none pk, it's their own fault. A lot of pkers quit when turnip all mass exodus came here because they ended up with 10x more people on their team than everyone else and it just wrecked the game so we lost so many.

There's no need to be arse to people, we all play for fun and people need encouraging to PK not being put off.

The amount of times we have team fights, someone brings 10x too many and PK completely ends is ridiculous.

Some kind words from a fan

Nocashkilla Send PM


Posts: 344

Before the event was even started I was being attacked right in front of a mod while saying "stop him" not even trying to fight back besides a few casts

and nothing was stopped.. So I get to lose a runeset for nothing other than gambles ego and hadez sitting back eating popcorn watching it happen
