Wow I can't believe what I'm reading on this thread. At the end of the day like oopsie said, were all playing the game, obviously some play more than others as they have more spare time than others to play. Why don't you both settle it and post your ::info. Because in reality I bet you both wouldn't dare as we'd all see how much you really do play. If any of you say you aren't hooked and love playing the game your full of shit because otherwise you wouldn't be here, playing, and arguing over who plays more. I play 3-4 hours a day 5 days a week if I'm lucky, and only ever been able to play on my daughter's tablet during the week as she's here on a weekend and uses her tablet herself. But I have no qualms at all saying if I had more time to play the server I most definitely fucking would coz I love this game and enjoy playing. So stop your bullshit arguing as we can all blatantly see you both play unhealthy amounts of hours, who cares honestly? And I can guarantee all of us who are active players when we were done spending the day celebrating with family etc we all logged in over the holidays to grind tokens, if you say you never, your in denial and that's when you know you have to problem, when you can't own it.
On topic: nice hats and canes etc, I wish I had the time to grind that many and get rich that quickly. I only managed to get 10k tokens myself and bought a cane but I also got 1 cane drop and sold for 10m that same day so was happy enough.
Throw me to the wolves, and I will return leading the pack.