Helping out newbies

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AR Send PM


From: UK
Posts: 299

Hey all,

Just wondering what you all thought about how best to look after new guys, more so ones not as familiar with RSC.

Yesterday it was mentioned on global about how a new guy died to a highwayman, to flame a new player in this way can only show the community in a negative way in my opinion.

I got in touch with him and gave him some food and GP, talked to him for a bit and was a really nice guy. Getting new players in and to stick around is crucial!

A fair point was raised about giving new players money can spoil the noob experience.. Which I kind of agree with.

I'm not rich like some of you guys, I'm only talking 50-100k and some food to get started and hopefully hooked.. I always add the guys I help out.. Some stick around, some don't.

I know loads of us go out of our way to help and encourage new guys I just wondered what you all thought about it possibly spoiling the whole noob experience? I feel like at the start it can maybe be a bit slow and could put potential regulars off and quit before they get properly started.


Happy new year smile

Last edited by AR (1 Jan 2017 23:11)

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illllllllllllllllllllllll Send PM


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I gave a guy some shit, turned out he was a peado.

Rip creaptony.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

I've helped a few guys starting out and actually a bunch of them have stayed. Lol

One even is richer then me now. Hahaha it's not that hard though. Lmao


Last edited by KizL (2 Jan 2017 03:32)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
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AR said:

Hey all,

Just wondering what you all thought about how best to look after new guys, more so ones not as familiar with RSC.

Yesterday it was mentioned on global about how a new guy died to a highwayman, to flame a new player in this way can only show the community in a negative way in my opinion.

I got in touch with him and gave him some food and GP, talked to him for a bit and was a really nice guy. Getting new players in and to stick around is crucial!

A fair point was raised about giving new players money can spoil the noob experience.. Which I kind of agree with.

I'm not rich like some of you guys, I'm only talking 50-100k and some food to get started and hopefully hooked.. I always add the guys I help out.. Some stick around, some don't.

I know loads of us go out of our way to help and encourage new guys I just wondered what you all thought about it possibly spoiling the whole noob experience? I feel like at the start it can maybe be a bit slow and could put potential regulars off and quit before they get properly started.


Happy new year smile

So here is what I sort of consider the 'idea' starter package. This is what I like to give new unique players who haven't been assisted.
-2-handed swords iron thru addy (the absense of the r2h is KEY to getting them hooked; they see the goal laid out in front of them without being gifted it)
-black armor set, maybe just iron armor set if they're going pure or something (after trying to talk them out of making their first char pure)
-strength amulet
-charged dstone amulet, maybe even two of these to be honest. teleports are key and these ammies are not exactly rare on here.
-some noted salmon or equivalent
-about 50k gp - enough to make general store prices irrelevant and maybe buy that r2h off auction house when they hit 40 attack
-iron pickaxe, mith pickaxe
-regular cape of their desired color
-offer one random tip, then ask if they have any questions

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lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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kenshin666 Send PM


From: texshush
Posts: 178

Usually help them out unless i see them begging for days at edge then i know wussup

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wandregal Send PM


Posts: 57

10-20k gp is fair enough for new players. I think even 10k is fair enough I was a newbie too and someone gave me 10k and that was a big boost for me.

Big load Send PM


Posts: 185

Don't help out any new players. If you do, then don't give them too much.
It will ruin the new player experience if you give some random noob full rune at level 20,

LOOT I'VE GATHERED FROM DROP TRADERS: 3 subscription cards, 2m$, dragon sword, rune chain+legs, 150 gold bar certs, 100 sharks, 1.4k nature runes, 3 dragon sq's, santa hat [img][/img]

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Big load said:

Don't help out any new players. If you do, then don't give them too much.
It will ruin the new player experience if you give some random noob full rune at level 20,

Anyone I know IRL or anyone I've helped only stayed because I gave them 50k, r2h and food.

or if they were an OG player from back in the day they don't wanna get shit and just want them 99s ASAP. So then I give them full rune. It really matters on the player..


Last edited by KizL (3 Jan 2017 05:49)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
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When my irl  friend started playing he didn't want he hook up. But after a little  grinding he accepted  it and has chosen to stay. I helped him with gold sub as well.

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Au2er Send PM


From: Australia
Posts: 276

I've given out hundreds of r2hs and usually lots of 50k gp and some bits and pieces of Addy and lower rune items that I would normally alchemy..  sometimes I give runes and ammies too.  All depends how generous I'm feeling.

team australia

F2p wild 24/7 below the fence please.

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Shred Send PM


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But the second they start begging, "go work for it you scum"

Granted I think begging should be minimized but the attitude definitely may push people away in some ways

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Noosh Send PM


Posts: 18

i always help out new players when i can. and when i first joined this server a mod and some other people gave me probably around 100k just to start out. its not much but to a brand new player it helps a lot. i just gave away some stuff today to some people that were asking also. instead of sitting there at edge with a 100m+ bank telling someone to "go work for it" go get something out of the bank you dont need or something you can spare to a new player and give them a hand. after all these huge bank stashes and hat sets and everything would mean more if more people played on the server. and by helping out someone with just an r2h or maybe 50k or something could easily get a new player to stick around

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Au2er Send PM


From: Australia
Posts: 276

Noosh said:

i always help out new players when i can. and when i first joined this server a mod and some other people gave me probably around 100k just to start out. its not much but to a brand new player it helps a lot. i just gave away some stuff today to some people that were asking also. instead of sitting there at edge with a 100m+ bank telling someone to "go work for it" go get something out of the bank you dont need or something you can spare to a new player and give them a hand. after all these huge bank stashes and hat sets and everything would mean more if more people played on the server. and by helping out someone with just an r2h or maybe 50k or something could easily get a new player to stick around


team australia

F2p wild 24/7 below the fence please.

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Nyx Send PM


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This game is too easy, the fun is getting gear etc don't just give them everything and complete the game for them, a lot of these never played RSC let them play it for themselves.

Some kind words from a fan

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runeknight95 Send PM


From: Pleb Nation
Posts: 916

I typically give new players a fire battle staff(its better than addy 2h) , rune 2 h, charged dragon ammy and some food.

But when someone dies to highway man, ima laugh a few times 0_0

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n0m Send PM


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The simple quest system was introduced to help them get started, and so they have something to do from the moment they arrive. I think it should just be continued and developed further to allow more interesting quests.

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trotalong1 Send PM


Posts: 120

I always help new players too, well the ones who are showing willing to further themselves therefore sticking around I typically give a new player 2 handers through to Addy with full iron and mith. 50k cash with 100 lobsters and a charged drag Ammy and str Ammy also. I then add them and tell them if they need any help to just ask. If they begin to beg I tell them no sorry and point them in the direction of herb collecting or something. If I need stupid things like feathers to fletch rune arrows. I'll tell them to go collect 1k feathers and pay over the odds for them.

Last edited by trotalong1 (9 Jan 2017 19:09)

Throw me to the wolves, and I will return leading the pack.

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Oopsie Send PM


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n0m said:

The simple quest system was introduced to help them get started, and so they have something to do from the moment they arrive. I think it should just be continued and developed further to allow more interesting quests.

+1, I personally don't fuxx with it but the concept is great and I'd love to see it expanded and developed more

Myself, if it's a genuine new player completely new to RSC, I don't give much.. Like 20k, a mith 2h and 50 lobs lol and I offer advise where I can, I've probably given like 30 peopel who moved from turnip a starter package tho, iron / rune set / 2h, 500 lobs or so an ammy and 50k but the majority have been my friends for years lol. Don't like to give to much cos' as with everything in life the more you put in the more you get out of it, expecting to PK for life on free gear and shared accounts 9 times out of 10 isn't going to get you very far

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HoodedMagic Send PM


Posts: 87

I'm new I was given a full rune set and some coins. I'm level 62 now and grinding on everything my goal is 99 everything so items don't interest me right now Bc I'm skilling and working towards everything myself. But I agree some new players need stuff to get hooked.

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Trupk3r Send PM


Posts: 949

Let the ''Noobs'' Newplayers grind their way up it is more fun that way like a adventure, give em some training food, trout/tuna's etc, and like Oopsie said, full iron, mith 2h..

The simple quest system was introduced to help them get started, and so they have something to do from the moment they arrive. I think it should just be continued and developed further to allow more interesting quests.

^ But also this.. It was made for a reason.

Ex RSCRevolution Moderator.