Staff Changes

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Hi RSCR Family,

Our previous community manager, Pluto, has stepped down from the position. In Pluto's absence, I will be stepping up as the newest administrator. So, if you have any questions, concerns, problems with staff or players, broken bank PIN, etc. etc., please feel free to reach out to me in-game or on forums! (IGN: Billy; go ahead and delete that Mod Billy guy and add me now).

So what else is new?

One of our newest moderators, Mod God, is now "Mod Diafol", so go ahead and add him!

Another of our moderators, Mod Tee, is now "Mod Hadez" so go ahead and add him!

Finally, we would like to welcome Mod Kleio back to the team. Mod Kleio served with distinction as a moderator for many months, and now he is back as an event moderator to focus on keeping things lively and fun for the server. So a massive wilderness drop party / battle royale is sure to follow soon!

October was always an exciting time in the world of rscrevolution, so we are looking forward to growing our community with an upcoming advertising campaign, as well as exciting and impressing our players with upcoming Team Deathmatch interface and a Halloween event!

Stay tuned and see you in-game,

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

Nocashkilla Send PM


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AR Send PM


From: UK
Posts: 299

Sounds good.. Keep up the good work big_smile

IGN - x Alex x & Pk Alex

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runeknight95 Send PM


From: Pleb Nation
Posts: 916

Thanks for the update!

Check Out my "Quality of life" improvement suggestion thread and vote +1 ty!---->
Check out my Auction house improvement suggestion thread

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MrFinger Send PM


Posts: 13

Let's get it RSCR!

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Honour Send PM


From: Australia
Posts: 117

Couldn't think of a better replacement for Pluto, thanks for stepping up Mod Billy smile

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MyDanny Send PM


From: USA
Posts: 104

Welcome back Mod Kleio, glad to have you aboard. Congratulations Billy, the community will be well served with you as an administrator. Thank you for stepping up. As always, if you need a hand and I am able to assist, please feel free to call upon me.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

All rail the All Might Bill. He's admin now time for a grown man's name or would you prefer William now kind sir?



Last edited by KizL (8 Oct 2016 07:10)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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GoyimOfTheFlatEarth33 Send PM


Posts: 40

Word up Billy. Glad to hear Kleio is back. Sounds like things will continue to be nice around here.  So what's with the mod's changing their names? I can't remember who's verizon and who's tee etc lmao

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
― Oscar Wilde

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Shot5times Send PM


Posts: 61

Welcome back kleio. I know we had our differences but I'm a new and improved me, and I'm glad to see you back:) we need to talk btw:)

HexRated/young p/p da ghost/ghostface
Let me show you why they call me the ghost..

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

In case anyone was wondering, the staff list is in a link at bottom of page called "Staff Team". To save you some time the staff is: n0m, Fate, Billy, Mod Tru, Mod Kleio, Mod Savage, Mod Hadez, Mod Jacob, and Mod Diafol.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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CrohnsKid Send PM


Posts: 78

Billy said:

In Pluto's absence, I will be stepping up as the newest administrator. So, if you have any questions, concerns, problems with staff or players, broken bank PIN, etc. etc., please feel free to reach out to me in-game or on forums! (IGN: Billy; go ahead and delete that Mod Billy guy and add me now).

What about Bod Milly?!?!?! Haha just joking!  I am glad you are here to fill the gap. So far you are doing an awesome job considering you got the position just after everything was in chaos. I hope you can help recruit new players and bring old ones back. Billy, lets get this server to glory it deserves! Lets put the Revolution back into RscRevolution!

Billy said:

So what else is new?

One of our newest moderators, Mod God, is now "Mod Diafol", so go ahead and add him!

Another of our moderators, Mod Tee, is now "Mod Hadez" so go ahead and add him!

I was never Comfortable calling him Mod God so I always called him MG And to Mod Tee's name change, HAHAHAHA Such a fitting name change for our PK'ing Mod.

Billy said:

Finally, we would like to welcome Mod Kleio back to the team. Mod Kleio served with distinction as a moderator for many months, and now he is back as an event moderator to focus on keeping things lively and fun for the server. So a massive wilderness drop party / battle royale is sure to follow soon!

Welcome back Mod Kleio! I was not playing back before you apparently left. But I am here now and I LOVE the Events. As an IronMan I enjoy the break from the cruel, agonizing grinding I do on a daily basis. Events provide me with a break and gives me some fun and interaction with my fellow players outside of ::1GlobalChat. I enjoy various Events that Billy has done like the "Hide N Seek" and the "Race" events. I was not able to attend his "Pest Control" event but the screenshots look like it was loads of fun! Excited to see what new type of events you come up with. If you ever need donations for an event (do all event prizes come from player donations?) just send me a PM and I will help out. I like to donate for events, even if I can't attend. Just like to see the Server having fun and playing/interacting together.  I also have a few awesome Ideas for events if your interested. Just shoot me a PM.

Billy said:

October was always an exciting time in the world of rscrevolution, so we are looking forward to growing our community with an upcoming advertising campaign, as well as exciting and impressing our players with upcoming Team Deathmatch interface and a Halloween event!

October was always exciting in the world of rscrevolution.  rscrevolution really loved Holoween and all the Holidays. Can't wait to experience my first RscR Holiday season Events.  Since the, almost 2 months, that I have been part of this server, I have not witnessed a "Advertising Campaign" and I am interested of what this is and means. During this time, if announced ahead of time or even during, I will Post the Facebook pages link on other Facebook pages and other rscrevolution forums/sites I am a part of. Also post on various rscrevolution videos on YouTube. If we had just a handful of players/staff to do this, we could have New Players out the wazzooo lol.

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ConeyMontana Send PM


From: CU$E
Posts: 217

U da man billy


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Slowpoke101 Send PM


Posts: 21

Thank you for the info and congrats on the new staff team smile

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Congrats Billy. Think it was time for some change if for no other reason than it is good to shake things up a little on occasion. I can think of no better person for the job and think you will do great.

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Reaper989 Send PM


Posts: 7

yaaay for billy


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Posts: 376

ey fagts nice new names, what are you, 13 year olds coming up with new "cool" names ?

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The_ChefCook Send PM


From: Estonia
Posts: 45

Good news ! Gratz Billy !