Presidential Debate

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The Cypher Send PM


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AR Send PM


From: UK
Posts: 299

Seems to have been going on for ages this whole Donald trump thing, is he really as bad as people make out?

I heard he opened his golf club to blacks and Jews despite protests against it, I saw a YouTube video from the 90s and he basically said everything he has for the campaign about foreign trade etc. Some of the things I've seen on Facebook seem ridiculous like him saying global warming is a Chinese hoax or something lolz

IGN - x Alex x & Pk Alex

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Xpansion Send PM


From: STRAYA m8
Posts: 51

Tbh, it's amazing they're letting someone like Hillary Clinton run for president of your nation. Someone with such a "deplorable" history wouldn't be put forward as a candidate here in Australia.

(and if she was, she'd be quickly backstabbed and replaced by someone else)

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Xpansion said:

Tbh, it's amazing they're letting someone like Hillary Clinton run for president of your nation. Someone with such a "deplorable" history wouldn't be put forward as a candidate here in Australia.

(and if she was, she'd be quickly backstabbed and replaced by someone else)

Trump is just as laughable. They both are fucking worthless.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Xpansion Send PM


From: STRAYA m8
Posts: 51

If I was an American I'd vote for Trump. Democrats are turning USA to shit, that's clear for the world to see.

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Lose lose election don't waste your time talking about it "pick your poison" The topic should be called.

Last edited by i3lunt t0k3r (5 Oct 2016 19:04)

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Xpansion said:

If I was an American I'd vote for Trump. Democrats are turning USA to shit, that's clear for the world to see.

Lmao and the Republicans that started the gulf war are better how? See you don't get it. they're the same fucking group with the illusion of choice.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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ArmyLivesOn Send PM


Posts: 69

Trump Rally's bring in 15,000-25,000

Hilary can't even fill a community center.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

ArmyLivesOn said:

Trump Rally's bring in 15,000-25,000

Hilary can't even fill a community center.

Goes to show you how rigged it is. Bernie was doing 15-30k as well.

She's going to "win" this.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Xpansion Send PM


From: STRAYA m8
Posts: 51

Apparently a lot of dead people will be voting for Hillary.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Apparently a lot of brain dead people will be voting for Trump.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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ArmyLivesOn Send PM


Posts: 69

KizL said:

Apparently a lot of brain dead people will be voting for Trump.


This reminds me of the 2004 election where all the liberal t.v. networks made it seem like it was impossible that Bush could win. Then he won and ppl were "shocked"

Wanting a secure border doesn't make you racist.
Look at Brexxit. All the Brexxit supporters were called racist and they won by a landslide.

Just because your friends dislike Trump doesn't mean you have to. Liberalism is a mental disorder driven purely by emotion.


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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
Posts: 627

The entire this has always been rigged. Do your research. An electoral college votes the Perez in not us. We just show who we would like. You all need to learn what's really happening.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

scornedmagi said:

The entire this has always been rigged. Do your research. An electoral college votes the Perez in not us. We just show who we would like. You all need to learn what's really happening.

Exactly, Trump can't win. Lmao

I could give a shit who wins though. I'll be voting 3rd party to help get them 5% of the vote.

Here's why

Vote for the Green Party and  help it it reach 5% nationally. 
If it reaches the 5% mark the Green Party will have automatic ballot access in ALL 50 states and significant public campaign funding for future elections.  The Democrats fear the Green Party becoming a national party so they will do everything they can to discourage you to vote Green.  The Democrats had the chance to embrace a new generation of voters during the primaries but instead fought them at every turn.   The Millennials are THE largest voting block in many years. The Millennials are the generation of the iPhone, Pokemon, Harry Potter, and Starbucks Coffee.  They are a force to be reckoned with. The Millennials are now voting adults. Democrats had this amazing generation within its grasp with Bernie Sanders but, instead, colluded with mainstream media, rigged the elections, and made it clear that your opinions did not matter to them.   It's now time for the millennials to come into their own. Vote Green and empower a new National Party with YOUR interests, your future, and your planet in mind.

The same also goes for the Libertarian party.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Sisco84 Send PM


From: Dayton, OH
Posts: 61

I totally get both your sentiments. I voted Libertarian in 2012, and would again, but its a hard road to get from 5% to an actual viable party. What needs to change in the mindset of most people that "I'm throwing my vote away if I vote 3rd party". If most people voted for the party that best matched their views, then 3rd parties would have a lot more recognition right now. Also, people often forget that we are a Republic, not a democracy.
