My RSCR update proposal

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Hey you guys I've made a proposal to what I want to see in the future for RSCR.

Now I know some of the suggested content will NOT go over well with some of you but this is what I see in the future for RSC.

Hopefully if Fate and or n0m are on board with these changes I can help contribute the work for these changes.

*My proposal did not cover everything that I would want to see change but it does cover major areas

My proposal

Colored names & symbols are no longer valid with this proposal, removed
Rings - Rings and among other jewerly exist in classic, so they should have use, added
Character Characteristics - Need more hair styles, added

Last edited by Cub (27 Sep 2016 15:12)

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Nyx Send PM


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You have to understand everything you change affects someone negatively, almost every change affects people in a negative way.

It's also rscrevolution classic, changing combat and PKing away from rscrevolution classic, removes the reason most people play.

That being said we do need more stuff at high wilderness to encourage people to go there.

Some kind words from a fan

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Nyx said:

You have to understand everything you change affects someone negatively, almost every change affects people in a negative way.

It's also rscrevolution classic, changing combat and PKing away from rscrevolution classic, removes the reason most people play.

That being said we do need more stuff at high wilderness to encourage people to go there.

Most? From the feedback that has been given on these forums, it seems most people dont pk on this server anymore.

It might be based off rscrevolution classic, but lets not forget that this is RSCRevolution and revolution means something as well.

Mages & rangers already exist on the server, is it really fair that we exclude rangers from dueling? How come we don't see low level mage pking? What is going to lure people to wilderness? Wilderness right now doesn't cater to anyone, that includes the accounts that were designed specifically for the wilderness lol.

Why not introduce something new for a week or two and see what it does?

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Shinrael Send PM


From: The Netherlands
Posts: 54

I'm not a fan of the username changes. I think upper-/lowercase can work, but if you add colors and symbols, you introduce a lot of opportunity for people to abuse this. They will impersonate other people, or try to evade reporting/bans. It would also simply be a big mess with names getting out of hand and people's friendslist turning into psychedelic color fests. I think they should stick to (alpha-)numeric characters.

Kudos for how you worked it out though.

Last edited by Shinrael (27 Sep 2016 09:21)

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Oopsie Send PM


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beatdown said:

Fuckin hell...


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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Shinrael said:

I'm not a fan of the username changes. I think upper-/lowercase can work, but if you add colors and symbols, you introduce a lot of opportunity for people to abuse this. They will impersonate other people, or try to evade reporting/bans. It would also simply be a big mess with names getting out of hand and people's friendslist turning into psychedelic color fests. I think they should stick to (alpha-)numeric characters.

Kudos for how you worked it out though.

Impersonation won't be a problem with how the new usernames will be stored. First all usernames will be stored in lowercase format to prevent duplicate usernames. Second colored usernames will be a display theme not a coded username. I've played a mmo where symbols were allowed in usernames and it was fun seeing the combinations. I will say that the symbol suggestion portion can be left out.

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Zubrils Send PM


From: Latvia
Posts: 201

Too much, too much.

I'm nothing against Skills/Runecrafting, but many of those ideas are just way too much. For example names, colors , special characters.

So I give partly +1 for some yes , for some no.

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r u t h less Send PM


Posts: 277


Wtf is wrong with u idiots these updates will appeal to majority of players.

RSC was an outdated game which was in process of adding skills and dragon and lots of updates, but actually fucked over classic players by releasing rs2 instead.

+1 again these updates would be crazy. Not sure if they could code it thou.

B u b b a

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CrohnsKid Send PM


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Server needs updates like these

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gftygod Send PM


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This server had a lottery before but no one played

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

I've done some edits

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
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kool im in the proposal +1

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KizL Send PM


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r u t h less Send PM


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Gayboi can u code or?

B u b b a

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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
Posts: 627

+1 spent the last hour debating. But this server needs updates. I did think however that before skills are added, we need agility and firemaking updated. No point adding new stuff when the current stuff is still outdated. Makes the game weird....

Check out my Skills I offer FREE!

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

scornedmagi said:

I did think however that before skills are added, we need agility and firemaking updated. No point adding new stuff when the current stuff is still outdated. Makes the game weird....

That is pointed out in my proposal, definitely need to make agility and firemaking relevant asap.

r u t h less said:

Gayboi can u code or?

I can do graphic work(sprites, 3d models,animations) & code, updates that I suggested take time and I would be all for helping out in the ways that I can.

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The Cypher Send PM


Posts: 98

+1 It all looks great Cub.

Would these be all in 1 update, or 1 at a time? Which order would you prioritize these, if it was going to be 1 new thing per update.

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Uncle said:

+1 It all looks great Cub.

Would these be all in 1 update, or 1 at a time? Which order would you prioritize these, if it was going to be 1 new thing per update.

Would not be in all 1 update, these would be introduced slowly over time but yet in a faster pace then what we see now.

Prioritizing would come from what is needed NOW
Like making agility & firemaking relevant and useful before adding two new skills
the combat split & balance would need to be an update in itself
Wilderness changes would need to also happened soon

I'd make sure we get a lot of core updates done before we start adding things like minigames & character customization lol

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Bazooka Send PM


Posts: 18

+1 it would be like RSC v2

got blunt?

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PolarBear Send PM


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+ 1/2
Less rs2 suggestions.

Rings would be a nice addition, more teleporting options. Maybe one that teleports you to guilds as opposed to towns.

Weapon specials is more of an rs2 thing, i suppose the dragon wep specials would be okay, but only if we get a dragon dagger to go with them wink

Teleport stones are cool for us that don't use magic and prefer not to level it. Having easier travel options would be nice, including teleporting rings as mentioned above.

Running, not a huge appeal to me. Another rs2 thing, the world is small enough for it not to matter.

AH next to the varrock castle like the old days, we all spent time spamming our wares by the left side by the fountain back in classic times haha.

There are a lot towns and areas that give little to no benefits but the server quests are helping.

Guilds compinsating for the volume of people that use them. Faster spawns for rocks? More rocks to mine? More gold in crafting guild sad replace the clay with gold haha

Not sure about the combat changes in regaurds to mage and range but it would be nice to have tipped crossbow bolts? That improved ranging quite a bit for rs

I would love love love a slayer skill and rewards for killing certain mobs, more reasons to switch up training spots. Maybe bonus xp for completing slayer tasks.

Lottery? Gambling was such a terror in RS

The gauntlet? Maybe duel arena

Less rs2 07 ideas but more improvements to current mobs maybe more spawn rates

Last edited by PolarBear (28 Sep 2016 06:10)