+1 for this , p2p wild days dead usually anyways. real pking goes on during f2p.
Is this true? I've heard the opposite...
Yes, it has always been true.
During P2P luck is the primary decider for the outcome of far too many fights
During F2P luck is much less of a deciding factor
Doesn't matter which competitive game it is, RNG is the enemy of competitive players. And while i am not comparing RSC to those types of games, the principal is the same.
Bad plays get rewarded constantly during P2P, and good plays end up getting punished, for no reason. <-This is the worst kind of system imaginable
The opposite is true of F2P.
And yes, it's always dead on P2P days, always has been -Even with the Admins and mods logging on to pk only on these days, and hosting events only on these days. (and if they host events on F2P days they make them P2P anyway, it's rediculous) All that effort to prop up P2P to look like something is going on and it's still a ghost town every single rotation. Meanwhile most F2P days are much busier comparatively, with a lot of different people taking part, instead of the same handful who sit around 3hitting each other every P2P rotation.
^^^^ he be speaking the truth