**Farming=training XP for this post**
First: In real rscrevolution, only reason to kill someone was to troll them (disliked them) or to get their gear. Here people kill 3 itemers (or 1 itemers) with no skull who are afk farming XP just to get a point for the "skill cape".
Getting constantly killed and having to run back every few minutes makes getting to 99 (or whatever lvl you are getting to) take way way longer. (see second point below) This is the only thing I can see on why people may rage quit.
Make a new PK cape (different color to differentiate it) **KEEP OLD STILL CAPE, Just updates the system to be more fitting**
Make it so you only get a kill point (counts for both old and new) if they are skulled. Skulled in wild = more xp, so more of a risk, but better gain.
Make the hotspot another half percent or percent higher to make it more enticing?
Since most of the people who actually pk a lot use the monk to port out, they are all skulled anyways.
Would there be any negative side effect? Only thing I can think of is it may take slightly longer to finish off 500 kills for those who pk, but then its a true skill cape, not an AFK cape (Between all my characters i probably have 300 afk deaths from people...I don't care about K/D so doesn't bother me, just makes farming take longer-Still trying for my first, 3 more att and 10 def to go!!)
I've only killed 2 afk guys, one fully geared so he dropped the helm/legs, and supersonny4 since he was skulled at 2hp (donno why...) the mob was gonna kill him so figured why not. Gave his r2h back to him afterwards.
Second: Since AFK farming is allowed here...they should just make an area outside of the wild for training up where there are lower lvl mobs that always attack (unless there is and I'm not aware of it, most i believe stop attacking once you get double their lvl).
Would that not solve 99% of the afk killing issues/complaints that I see every day?
What would be the downside of this?
Would it not allow more people to get higher lvl quicker so there can be more pk action?
PK cape kills only counts for skulled kills to fix most of the afk kills
New pK cape for only Skulled kills.
New AFK farming zone outside of wild with always aggressive mobs to also help fix it
Go back and read it.