stinky pked u !

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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
Posts: 627

So the afk kills here are for one reason. The amount of grindable items the takers were holding. Males sense in the end.

Check out my Skills I offer FREE!

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neilkeps Send PM


Posts: 199

ok u got me on arch finally gg


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stinky1 Send PM


From: philippines
Posts: 16

scornedmagi , lot kils i know ! ty
Ghasp , Au2er , i kill all ok ? don be scared !
scornedmagi , i got lot item from kills ! wana me trade rune armur for runes ? fire air blode !
neilkeps , i dont arch ! only sword !

more kills !






see ! i not scared peeple or dragons !

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BloodZ21 Send PM


Posts: 22

gj stinky, beast mode!

2 #dtf

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larsftw Send PM


Posts: 538

beatdown said:

smack u said: This pic right here, how is he casting while in the inventory tab while taking screeny ? I demand you take these pics with full desktop view your editing these this way for a obvious reason!


And in this one his bot is trying to mage a target that isnt there anymore big_smile if it was a human there'd be nothing to click to get that error message: "can't get a clear shot from here" lol, no shit, the whole map is in the way between edge dungeon and lumbridge

if u have a spell selected and right clicked your target but kills him with meele before casting this would happend..


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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Wheres all the pics of you killing me up at the pirates? is it because you don't get any loot since i three item?

Nice loot kills in some of those pics

Last edited by ReconOne (7 Jul 2016 20:00)

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stinky1 Send PM


From: philippines
Posts: 16

bloodz 21; thank you !
other peeple ; i do magic that why you see it say i shot thing ! not range ok ?

all tiems i go castle there multing-loging or big teem

see this just happen ! i was fight 1 peeple then 2 more log in right there same spot !


you ask me why i solo ? this why ! i pk how i do becuse big teem 3 v 1 and multing loging all tiems !

try solo likee me ! then see ok ?

Last edited by stinky1 (9 Jul 2016 17:12)

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

stinky1 said:

try solo likee me ! then see ok ?

Solo like you meaning, checking farming zones for afkers?.  looking for 3 itemers and killing them? running when Mr T came to fight you 1v1?  Like that?

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stinky1 Send PM


From: philippines
Posts: 16

not get it reconeone ? i get teem multing log big time ! no fare fight ever so i pk my way !







i get meny video show log in 3 peeple just to attak me ! you ask why i pk way i do ? look ! i not want get big teem multelog all time i been tht years !

make fare i pk then yur way !

Last edited by stinky1 (9 Jul 2016 17:35)

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Ever think they kill you because you keep killing afk trainers?...Hum, cause and effect.

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

GLeU said:

i3lunt t0k3r said:

I like how hes pking with lennu in a pic, we all know both these guys like to walk around wildy pking trainers all day. Everytime ive went to fight either denny/stinky and lennu they ran like a bat outa hell.

I want a mod to check these pics out i think its funny how all the bottoms are cut out of the client, half the pics hes doing actions in the screen but theirs no mouse courser.

Print screen doesn't copy your mouse cursor genius boy.

Sorry not everyone is a boil ridden nerd like you but in his pics some do have cursors genius boy now why don't you pay attention little before you start to flame n stick up for someone that claims to be a pker but only afk kill

Last edited by i3lunt t0k3r (10 Jul 2016 05:13)

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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xnamelessx Send PM


Posts: 38

fucking hurts my head reading your shit.

learn to fucking English.

big teem moltilug mi I pk way I do mutli teem.

erics a shit speller but sounds like Einstein next to you hahahaha
just playing eric wink

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stinky1 Send PM


From: philippines
Posts: 16


this fare? 1 peeple in dungen i go in come out to 4 or 5 peeple in 15 second ! all log in spot to kil me ! ok ! bye !

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Reaper989 Send PM


Posts: 7

stinky down. RIP shitter.


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xnamelessx Send PM


Posts: 38

do you want to know why people target you?

you only kill people who are training or you pile jump death matches.

you are not a real pker. your scared to lose a few rune sets.

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Mod Tru Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 878

xnamelessx said:

fucking hurts my head reading your shit.

learn to fucking English.

big teem moltilug mi I pk way I do mutli teem.

erics a shit speller but sounds like Einstein next to you hahahaha
just playing eric wink

Sorry I lol'd abit.



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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Mod Tru said:

xnamelessx said:

fucking hurts my head reading your shit.

learn to fucking English.

big teem moltilug mi I pk way I do mutli teem.

erics a shit speller but sounds like Einstein next to you hahahaha
just playing eric wink

Sorry I lol'd abit.


Fuck y'all lol

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Mod Tru Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 878

i3lunt t0k3r said:

Mod Tru said:

xnamelessx said:

fucking hurts my head reading your shit.

learn to fucking English.

big teem moltilug mi I pk way I do mutli teem.

erics a shit speller but sounds like Einstein next to you hahahaha
just playing eric wink

Sorry I lol'd abit.


Fuck y'all lol

<3 eric


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Zubrils Send PM


From: Latvia
Posts: 201

Except all you will get by all of you making fun of stinky - is making him quit. And in the end you'll have even more empty wilderness than it is today.

Don't know stinky, don't know about what he pks or what he doesn't. But if you will continue to eat people out like this - you know the outcome.

And Mod tru instead of closing this back and forth flame is promoting the big group of people - clap clap.

I have warned you. Peace.

Last edited by Zubrils (13 Jul 2016 09:22)

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Reines Send PM


Posts: 245

Zubrils said:

Except all you will get by all of you making fun of stinky - is making him quit. And in the end you'll have even more empty wilderness than it is today.

Don't know stinky, don't know about what he pks or what he doesn't. But if you will continue to eat people out like this - you know the outcome.

And Mod tru instead of closing this back and forth flame is promoting the big group of people - clap clap.

I have warned you. Peace.

if you seen him in wild you would understand. you will be dming 1 on 1 and bam last round he pops up pjs.

or you will be afking in wild and he will bring 2 accounts to kill you. if you come
back with food he logs lol..

hes a deadset flog.
