Warning to community about "Sluty"

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neilkeps Send PM


Posts: 199

Chrls brown said:

As I knew  Neil your a rat and always been, what's there to prove, I told Marc aka badboy few a day ago before you we talked last night, that he should be carefull with you, once a snake always a snake. I bet you gave those shit to it self to get more rares, like when items got deleted and told fate how much more u had insted what u really had, I'm really sorry for your life, do you also lie that much to your real life friends? I have made money on this server, why you think I didn't give shit before stopping for good, is it that's why your so mad kid? I bet if admins go and check shit out they will find out that your the one starting all this shit up, because you didn't gave shit to anyone, it always been a Jew. It's funny how you are, I just feel really sorry for you. Seek some help for real.

bro u lie tooo much stop begging for pixels and rl money ur hole life get a job . ahahahahha ur mate badboy was telling me about ur gambling addiction the other day and how u couldn't afford to pay rent I don't need help I have a job with good salary and a life, there a reason im not banned and you are I never once done anything kurupt on any p servers or banned from any servers, the mods can see me giving u the sythce n black hat from the ip u got banned on then drop trading it then losing it how the fuck could I trade myself and as for kurupt mods ur sooooooooo far from reailty its scarey, ur a bottom feeder always have been.

Last edited by neilkeps (28 Jun 2016 11:46)


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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

Kid I make more money than you haha big_smile i have a job and more money than you farmer boy, go out and milk the cows big_smile you lose 2 items in rscrevolution and cry about it while crying to mods that someone  scammed you. I make profit where ever I go and turn to I even made profit on this server like. Go and cry more, I saw how you cried when u got cleaned vs Jesper. Lieing about your self over the PC won't make you look good kid grow up and btw I'm not the one going to casinos each week and gambling big_smile

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neilkeps Send PM


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big_smile uve never made more money then me lol u work at a computer shop at the front desk lol u don't knoe much about the dairy industry in new Zealand ur country buys it from us lol. and it was never about the items at all it was the fact the guy I generally considered a mate n used to chat with on ts lies to his mates n scams didn't pick u for that type but each to there own I guess.


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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

You stabbed me in the back, is this how your treat your m8s. Beside if you remembered you would know that I don't work there anymore. I didn't pick you for that type until renies and moody told me. Just let admins go into this matter so you can see how foolish you have been, I'm the only one here asking admins to look into this matter it's funny because I'm not playing anymore and the only one with nothing to hide.

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neilkeps Send PM


Posts: 199

what u mean how u treat ur mates u gotta look at it from my point of view , first I have this guy in game speaking n talking just like u, if it not u he has done his homework, I spend two days sussing him out and I finally think oh this must be the bro so I hook him up cause im conviced u just want a sythce n hat and come pking with us like u always done. this person wasn't begging for items btw either, then when I speak u about it on facebook u ask me two days later for a hat , im going what mod has told me n from what ive seen if its not you then fuck mods have lied to me and ive abused a mate for no reason. like I said wasn't about the items just pissed off that mate would scam me I wanna know whats going on just as much as u that's why I asked them to look into it


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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

Get admins to look at this before you guys gets into deeper hole, I can't say this enough. I have simply nothing to hide. This is embarrassing for u all

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neilkeps Send PM


Posts: 199

neither have I so I guess we play the waiting game


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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

neilkeps said:

neither have I so I guess we play the waiting game

If you realy want to know, ask admins for help. But what I can see you already think it's me

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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

beatdown said:


Looks like stakers are getting all the action :S


Get plenty when admins finds out who is doing this, it will be even more fun smile

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Jay Jay Send PM


From: Oregon
Posts: 12

sounds like a dirtbag...

checking your IP won't do anything it's pretty easy to use a proxy.  should just close this,  he's just going to keep lying.

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KizL Send PM


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Last edited by KizL (28 Jun 2016 16:50)

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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

To be honest I don't realy give a fuck I got banned once I sold a my shit, and that's sometime ago. I'm just having fun that someone actually doing g this, and a guy like Neil that never ever would give me anything would out of no where giving a guy to pretend been me some of his rares and after he says he is been scammed by me, close this do whatever you like, just come with actual proves next time

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Army Send PM


Posts: 396

Chrls brown said:

To be honest I don't realy give a fuck I got banned once I sold a my shit, and that's sometime ago. I'm just having fun that someone actually doing g this, and a guy like Neil that never ever would give me anything would out of no where giving a guy to pretend been me some of his rares and after he says he is been scammed by me, close this do whatever you like, just come with actual proves next time

you sound like a loser lmao


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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Thanks Neil for showing restraint with the censored FB screenshot.

Word is out, thread is closed.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol