Hello Revolutioners,
We are happy to announce that we are promoting Trouble to administrator. He got everything needed to be a great administrator so we are happy to give him this promotion. Working with him is very easy. Devotion, dedication also the fact that he is a great teamworker with a great vision for RSCR future made it easy for us to make this decision.
Also, we would like to let you know that lot of changes will happen in the near future. We are working hard every days to improve the server. While at the hospital i spend some time looking around when i got 2 free minutes to find another host for a second location. This way if one go down one still up and players can still play. (I do not mean 2 servers but 2 login location if you prefer. One US one EU would be the best)
Happy gaming and Congrats Trouble!
ps: sorry for my inactivity. going through hard time irl with a family member that got cancer. Final days of said person and since were close in the family , we are spending time with her until the end.