An idea for a second world tournament: Second world opens, people have 48 hours to train chars. Experience rates are triple the normal RSCR world rates. At the end of the second day the world becomes just the wilderness with no level restrictions and players distributed randomly around it (away from NPCs/obstacles). The person with the most unique kills at the end of the 72nd hour is the big winner. The person with the highest skill level, with xp as a tiebreaker, will win a lesser prize.
The only bank in the game after the 48th hour is the one in the mage bank, so you'll either need to be really sneaky or have your team there to get you in. Once you're in the mage bank you're safe (only noncombat area in world after 48th hour), EXCEPT you will take damage 5 hp per second after being down there for 60 seconds so get your food and pots quickly. There will be a lever in the mage bank, when you pull it you will be teleported randomly back into the wilderness somewhere (away from NPCs/obstacles). You only have 10 lives from after the 48th hour; if you die a tenth time, you will not be able to log back in (or you'll be turned into a ghost that can spectate).
What you think?
Sounds like a good idea, Billy!