Thought i'd use this downtime to bring up a suggestion.
In the interest of the overall enjoyment of the game and also fairness, i think it would be great to have a daily reset, switching between server locations.
When you consider the timezone differences, i really see very few potential drawbacks for this idea, except maybe technical hickups, preventing a smooth and delay-free transition between cycles -but i'll leave more knowledgeable people to decide if that part of it would be feasible- but essentially the EU region should be able to have their afternoon and evening primetime hosted on an EU location, and as the NA timezone starts to catch up they would have their primetime hours on their regional connection aswell. Win-win.
The delays between clicks clicked and clicks registered really does vary quite severely from each click you make if you're from somewhere far away from Canada.
All the way from 0.3 seconds on the first click up to over 1 second on the next one, making adapting to higher delay left in too large a part in the hands of randomness in my opinion, which is a bit sad. (And before you ask, no i don't have a bad connection)
Applying skills such as prediction, awareness and ofcourse reaction times, in order to outplay your opponent, is really where most of the enjoyment comes from if you're competitive -and not having to rely on good fortune and opponents making mistakes to any significant degree, in order to make the kills, etc.
This may not matter to the casual skiller, but anyone who used to care about pk'ing and play competitively, and still do, will know what i'm talking about.
There used to be a massive difference between connecting to each of the original rsc realms in terms of delay and overall catch-ability, and it's no different now.
I've already said i'll support a second server by buying 20 subs if it happens, and i hope more people will back this up, so we can get an even better game for even more people