I like the bounty idea. After 10 mins of hotspot you get bounty. Should have to have an active logged in character in hotspot as well. Lvl 3s logging in and out made it boring fast. I don't pk cause I don't like losing my stuff in unfair fights (wich is most of what I see on this server). Spend over 200k in stuff to pk to lose it all in a few moments by a 3v1.... Nah I'm good killing dragons and cookingaking the 200k in a few mins.... Just saying.
To any real pker its never about the money or rune
It's not the cost. It's the fact I lose a full set to an unfair fight every time I go in wild. I am a flat. I shouldn't have 3 flats attacking me all at once. That makes me want to never go to wild. I shouldn't have to team. In RSC I never teamed and sat in wild for days never getting teamed on. This server just has too many camping multiloggers like yoyo... Why would o go somewhere I know I will get teamed on and have no chance? Players need to stop thinking they are bad ass for using multiloggers in wild. It makes the wild way less fun and makes it a giant no go zone. If multiloggers were stopped I'd pk all the time. Never even complain when I get killed by a legit team. Just the multiloggers. They killed pking.
there are several reason why people pking in teams.
1. a lot of us have been friends for many many many years. im talking 10+. as a small community, you get to know people, and develop bonds with each other.
2. NPC'S! if you're trying to chase someone in a pack of NPC's. a good 80-90% of the time they're getting away. and NPC's are everywhere. all u gotta do is take ur weapon off, wait till ur enemy is starting round 1 of 3 with an NPC, and book it. with a group, there is a chance somebody can pull ahead of the pack, and cut you off.
3. Multi logging is something that is near impossible to deal with. Every update i've seen every server attempt, has had a big negative effect on all players. limit the amount of accounts per IP, and nobody pk's because nobody can train there characters, and pk at the same time.
People have to want to go out and pk, thats just all there is 2 it. but people also have to stay active. you cant just keep doing a once over in the wildy, see nobody and log for the day. lastnight jump3r, annihilate u, luigi, and I went out to take hotspot from baphomet, and his group. he only had soldat helping him. they died, and annihilate u, and luigi left cause it got boring. not 20minutes later Baphomet had a 4-5 man team, and me and jump3r were left with sore asses. till a few mates logged in and we sent them back home to cry to the king . but the point im making is, that pking doesnt just happen. you have to make it happen, and you have to stay online for more then 10 god damn minutes.
P.S. please dont start a flame war over the last paragraph, it's purely just an example.