you know im with you about wanting an active wilderness cry is free, but i dont support the idea of destroying an entire skill. and honestly, none of the admins will either. food isnt really a pain to get. fishing is pretty simple. u click, food goes in bag. does it suck to do? hell yeah, loads of us did it every god damn day back in f2p, fishing at karamja. now fishing has become even easier with bankers and swordy only spot in fishing guild.
also anyone who doesnt fish while theyre afking is just a moron. ok android users cant do it, but all us pc players, we can, and should be. if you arent, thats your own fault for not using your time effectively.
this game requires time put in, you cant just simply login and have everything given to you. if thats what you want. buy subs, sell them for gp, and buy what you need. a hundred bucks in sub can get you a lot of supplies.
as far as an active wildy. that is the players problem. people need to learn a bit of respect for one another. shit talking someone for 20 minute because they missed a catch is just stupid. the RSC community has been self destructing since the day P servers were born. It's all of us who need to stop being jackasses, and accept that its our responsibility for a better wildy.
another issue is that people just expect to login and there be pking. and when they log in and there isnt, its always "games dead, pm me when there is pking". but then 10 minutes later a guy shows up but nobody is around, and the same thought goes through there head. If you guys want active pking, you have to actually stay logged in.
another huge issue is everyone just wants to afk in wildy 3 iteming. sorry but that is just dumb. you should always be ready for a fight if your in the wildy. on real rsc, do you think everyone just 3 item'ed and afk'd all day? no it was a slug fest for the prime spots.
i could list some more issues, but ultimately it comes down to peoples lazyness.