Wilderness rotation

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xxKDxx Send PM


From: china
Posts: 239

Can we please have f2p, p2p , f2p , p2p  istead of f2p f2p f2p f2p P2P f2p...

No one pkays eitherway and this f2p just not helping or its just me? wink

Thank you

K O D X / K L O J A

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

Make it f2p then p2p and f2p then p2p and so on and so on? I also think a spawn  just for swordfish fishing spot would help in more ways then one...

Last edited by padwan121 (13 Nov 2015 20:43)

Time waits for no man..so what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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Ckmoon Send PM


From: Sydney
Posts: 241

Where did the poll go regarding this issue?
Majority of votes went to removing 1 f2p day from the cycle
Therefore it should be f2p, p2p, and so on...


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,661

Should be f2p p2p f2p p2p right? It only makes sense.


P2p sucks!!


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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l 1 h a s Send PM


Posts: 2

How can it be f2p again? i ask mods and they say they have no idea?

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

Make it p2p p2p f2p p2p p2p  f2p then p2p then reverse the following week? Or change p2p to f2p every 24 hours?

Time waits for no man..so what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Why would u do that so you gotta change ur gears everyday thats retarted f2p f2p p2p p2p is opt

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit