Ok so, as everyone has probably noticed we're getting pretty bad online counts lately, 20-60 online at once.
Castle empty pretty much 24/7.
Meanwhile competing serv maxes at around 140 online or so.
Think the situation as it is now calls for something to be done about things so I'm starting this brainstorming thread.
I don't know how it turned out like this so sudden. I didn't play for two weeks, all was fine before (or at least not terrible) and now it's like this.
The hotspot update is cool and there are events taking place but it is obvious it ain't enough.
I expect some ppl will come to this thread with the "let's advertize" posts but let's be realistic; it mostly brings us casual players who play the android app and who only skill. We have to reach out for the hardcores aka the pkers still around in the RSC scene.
Now, if someone is well-established on another server with several accounts and lots of items in their bank it is not without drastic measures that we will be able to lure them here. We have to make it crazy-easy to go from starting with nothing to having a competent account to pk with.
A few options coming to my mind:
1) Yet another exp boost for combat. When some players from turnip were trying to switch here they wanted higher rates. It's been done a few times now and I'm sceptical as to if it'll have an impact. Don't think it's enough, because when you're new you will in any case start with no items and that's the crappy part about starting over; having to go mine and fish. Also the turnip switchers complained about getting afk pked while training in wild.
2) Transfers. I've been against transfers mainly but things are looking pretty desperate now and starting to think that we might have to offer transfers.. Cb stats fully, limit on pray, X% of items.
3) Pk accounts with ::setstat command. Everyone gets to make 1 pk account that can set cb stats. Starts with a full rune, has access to a Master Fisher that gives out some crap food such as salmon or tuna.
I know they are hardly the kind of stuff that people would want implemented but things are looking quite shitty for us right now. There'll be an empty server celebrating the 2nd anniversary of this server at this rate.