My thoughts from a ForEx traders perspective:
From what I can see it seems that a seller can list an item(s) ex. (dragon sword for 100k)
Then the buyer can go onto the auction house and then look for that item and buy said item for 100k but only after a seller listed that item on the market.
So now my question/concern
Is the reverse possible? Where a buyer(of an item)can put 95kgp on the market (asking for a dragon sword) and then
IF someone out there is willing to sell a dragon sword for 95k could that person then fill that order and receive 95k for selling their dragon sword.
Because as of now it looks very one sided. (In favor of sellers) Witch could give a false idea of prices. (I will go into more details throughout the post)
EXAMPLE 1: I will use the 1k coal example for the sake of this argument.
I can list 1k coal for 1k each coal. = (1,000,000)
Even though no person in their right mind would buy the 1k coal at 1k ea,(Though there may be a situation where someone is willing to pay 1k+ per coal) Hell some people paid 20k for unfired bowl.
We should have the ability to also do the opposite
I would like to buy 1k coal for 200each.
So I should be able to list my (200,000gp)
and if anyone out there is willing to 1k coal at 200 each
This idea would help buyers the same way the current look of the auction house helps sellers and find a better equilibrium for more liquidated items (Wood, herbs, ores, strings) anything that is usually bought in bulk.
This would also create a healthy "Spread" in prices.
Here is an example of what I'm talking about from the Buyer/Sellers Perspective.
If I'm selling 1k coal for 1k each a 2nd person should have the ability to undercut that person and say. "I'll sell my 1k coal for 900 gp each. (900k)
So when someone on server goes on to the auction house there should be 2 listings of 1kcoal @1keach and a second listing for 1k coal @ 900each
If someone wants to buy the 1kcoal@1k they would first have to buy the coal that is listed at 900 each.
If I'm buying 1k coal @ 200each (200k) someone else on the server says hey "I'm buying 1k coal @ 400each (400k)"
So when someone on server goes on the auction house and lets say they need to make some money and is not willing to wait for someone to buy their coal @ 899 each (Lower than the guy selling it at 900gp each.) They could have the option of selling QUICKLY to the person who is willing to pay 400 per coal.
So the market should look something like this
Selling 1k Coal @ 1kea
Selling 1k Coal @ 900ea
Buying 1k Coal @ 400ea
Buying 1k Coal @ 200ea
Everything inbetween the buying/selling price in considered spread someone could possibly put "Selling 100 coal @ 401 each" but usually by then someone will see that and understand that 100 coal @ 401 each is consider a good price and that order will be bought quickly. and vice versa someone could possibily say "Buying coal at 898 each" but a coal miner will see that and quickly sell the coal at 898 each.
When nostalgia keeps you from moving forward.
*INActive LvL 99 Blacksmith*
#RIPBANK (Only took a bank wipe to bring me back to reality.)