I do admit they need to bring clan wars in and focus on more FFA pk events in the wild, and more team orientated pk events before this server dies off. Thank you for raising the rates, but people need a reason to stay and right now almost nobody is pking. The most fun I had on here was when I got to fight like 3-5 people with about 3-5 on my team... 10 people pking... that speaks for itself. It is only in the mornings as well, for a short period of time.
this completely.
because fortune, I want to have fun playing here, but its fucking boring cause theres no action in wild. This is proven. Meanwhile on the competitive server that I will not mention. Double the players than here.
you just think its double the players on other servers, it is more but not much more , other servers get destroyed because 2 or 3 people have like 40 accts each.
its fine if you want to do that , since its not against the rules , but it should be frowned upon here. Hint AKR and RIP . Not encouraged.
with that said , rscr takes a count of the IP address's , not the amount of accounts when calcuting its players. Which is a true count you wont see anywhere else. Dont be fooled by what you see.
the exp rate increase was a necessary evil. you need to understand that. From a player point of view and a business point of view. It was the right decision.