Going to be addressing a few things here.
We are not shutting down. We have never considered it, never thought it, or ever said anything about it. If you heard that from anyone lately, they are incredibly mistaken. If you heard that from Ex-Mod Marc, then you are way too gullible. Things may be a little low right now, but that is all going to be changing soon. Which brings me to...
We have plans to bring back numbers to our server. A Global Exchange has been in the works and getting close to testing stage. A FREE client resize is in bug testing, and an Edgeville Spawn Point to help pking. All 3 will be released at the same time which is why things seem to be going slowly (client updates are something we try to do in one big launch, not multiple updates).
Pk Updates will be more than just an Edge spawner. We have not forgotten or ignored the conversations. We have discussed plans to encourage more pking and when #2 is closer to completion, we will be announcing them. As it stands, we are still discussing in-house first before committing to anything, so don't take the lack of news as a bad thing.
Anyways, just felt like you guys deserved some information on how things are going. I am going to try to do t his more often so poeple can actually see how things are going, rather than just flailing in the dark.