Mini Skills
We understand that players are keen for more content, but we also recognise the desire to avoid mandatory skills for achievements like the completion cape. Additionally, the GUI has limited space for adding full skills. As a result, we are introducing Mini Skills as optional content.
The first three Mini Skills are:

A bronze charm can now be used at the new Summoning Obelisk in Edgeville to unlock summoning options, including access to summoning shops.
Bronze charms are dropped by high-level monsters and bosses across the map (silver and gold charms will be introduced later).
Bronze charms are used to create pouches that summon NPCs. When used, the pouches spawn an instanced version of the NPC, visible only to you. You can:
- Kill the NPC for loot.
- Allow it to roam freely until it expires.
- Have your adult cat kill it for you.
There is an in game GUI which will track your progress in the skill and current level.

Life Roons - Added to RC.
The Air Altar in Edgeville can now produce Life Roon if you possess a Life Talisman or Life Tiara. These require 99 runecrafting to make. They have no multiplier. Certain NPCs will drop life roons as well so get collecting.

Artemis in Edgeville will assign you 5 different NPC's to capture. He also has a shop. In the shop you will find cages to capture the NPCs with and some new "pets". These pets will simply follow you around and heal you. They cannot be trained more will be added in the future and abilities may be added to each pet to assist you in game.
- Bear - 10 Catches (requires you to catch 10 bears before you can buy)
- Hellhound - 40 catches of hellhounds
- Camels - 20 catches
- Unicorn - 20 catches
- Skeleton - 30 catches
- Black Demon - 50 catches
- Otherworldybeing - 30 catches
- Zombie - 30 catches
- More pets will be added soon based on player feedback and participation in the skill.
There is an in game GUI which will track your progress in the skill and current level. The higher your level the more difficult NPC's you will be required to hunt. There is also a completion XP bonus when you find all 5. You can also opt to not find the remaining NPC's but will forfeit this completion bonus.
Once you've caught the NPC you can then crush them in the cage in your inventory for goodies, these goodies will help you with summoning skill. There is also a rare gold coin that will teleport you to the new boss lair, see NYX boss below.

Foraging Mini Skill.
To get an insight into the skill speak to Elder Mycologist in edgeville for an exam on mushrooms.
When in wildy you may stumble across a fallen tree, searching these may result in you finding some mushrooms. In a similar fashion to herblaw you gain experience by identifying mushrooms. Each mushroom once identified can be eaten for additional perks.
1, Fly Agaric - +5 Temp Fishing Stat boost.
5, Candlesnuff Fungus - Auto Weakens NPC's that you're in combat with for 20 mins.
15, Honey Fungus - +5 Prayer Temp stat boost.
25, Orange Peel Fungus - Anti Poison will increase +5 minutes.;
35, King Alfred's Cakes - +9 temporary Hits.
55, Bearded Tooth - +9 temp Magic boost.;
65, Scarlet Elf Cup - recharges prayer full and gives a +10 temporary Prayer stat.
70, Dead Man's Fingers - Attack won't drain 3 minutes.
85, Turkey Tail - Defense won't drain 3 minutes;
86, Stinkhorn - Strength won't drain 3 minutes
87, Puffball - Ranged won't drain 3 minutes.
90, Chicken of the Woods - Heals 30 HP.

NYX boss - A big fat troll.
If you're lucky enough to find a rare gold coin whilst hunting for innocent creatures. You can use this gold coin to spin your way to the NYX boss lair. You will have to bank all your items and pets prior to visiting.
You will be given a 30 minute time limit. If you teleport away/die/x out it will remove your items gained and throw you back to Edgeville. You will need to work fast to gain the resources you require to kill the NYX bosses in the middle of the map. Your skills will become important here to help you defeat the bosses. Each time you kill a NYX boss he will drop a dragon eye. For 800 dragon eyes Artemis will trade you a Dragon 2h sword.

Dragon 2handed Sword
Combat level 123 & legends quest completed - required to wield
Has full anti dragon fire breath.
+86 aim and +86 power
All perks of muhrooms/dragon 2h will be reset if you enter f2p wild and additional blocks are in place to stop dueling/deathmatch whilst perked on mushrooms. If anything did slip through the net please report. Essentially these perks should only give you advantages against NPC's and not other players in F2P wild, P2P wild/members dungeon wild is fair game. If you try to steal resources from nyx lair by forcing client exit (xing out) resources will be removed automatically. If you make it to the end of the 30 mins you get to keep everything gained.
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
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