Wilderness Changes.
In F2p Wildy:
You can now use against monsters the following:
Super strength,
Super attack,
Super defense,
Love potions,
Prayer potions,
Ranged potions,
If you attack a player or get attacked from a player, your stats will reset to f2p stats. You will need to be out of pvp combat for at least 1 minute before being allowed to drink more p2p potions.
P2P wildy above fence and below (when on rotation)
You will no longer be able to use any Rev items with the exception of player killing capes and Love potions.
Custom rev items won't be completely useless but will be greatly reduced in stats.
P2p-Custom items always allowed without reductions:
Castle Dungeon, Slayer members dungeon, Members guild wildy, ghostly lair and under lava maze.
We appreciate any constructive feedback from players who give the changes a chance. We are open to tweaking settings going forward.
If any bugs are found with this new system please report them via the ticket system and do not share with other players.
New Perm Mini Quest Part 1 and 2
Speak to Jay Foreman & Mark Cooper-Jones at Mage Arena Bank.
Some flags has been torn into pieces and scattered across the Rscrevolution Classic world map. Rumours have spread that various NPCs hold some of the flag pieces. Your task is to locate and retrieve all map pieces from different npcs, including encounters with Pirates, Rogues, Wolves, and Animated Axes. Once you have collected all the pieces, return them to the quest giver to receive a complete flag as a reward.
Once all four flag pieces are obtained, players return to the quest giver, who is skilled in sewing and can restore the flag to its former glory. As a reward for completing the mini quest, players receive the complete world flag item of their choice, symbolizing their achievement in reassembling the torn flag.
Good luck with your mini quest
Reward flags

All flags are tradeable. If you are ironman you will only be able to obtain 2 flags. Please note these flags do not have in combat sprites, these may be added later
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
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