Dear players,
We hope you enjoyed the arctic beast and it’s generous drops. Hopefully some of you took a break to eat and sleep.
To keep the event going, the shifter boss returns in the form of bunnies and chicks. These 5 forms are the same as last time so you must mage the first one, range the second, and use any form of damage for the last 3. This boss drops the same rares as the arctic beast boss and you can find the shifter in edgeville man hut again.
Keep collecting those tokens as tokens will stop the morning of Friday 22nd. The store will be active for a few days after to allow you to spend your tokens.
Worldwide double xp ends tonight. We hope you all grinded some much needed levels.
Happy Easter RSCRevolution Team
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
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