You've been asking for it and we are about to deliver, in spectacular fashion!
The last event delivered a great deal of benefits to all kinds of players on the server, giving them opportunities to complete certain skills & tasks in the comfort of a vast and bespoke skilling area. This time, however, it will be much of the same, but there will be certain NPC's there as teasers for the upcoming and eagerly anticipated Slayer update. With this in mind, we thought it was only fitting that a new location be used.
As well as this, there will be another new idea, with great danger, comes great rewards!
Some of the PVM aspects of this will be in a designated wilderness area - approximately 50% of the area will be P2P rules wilderness level 8 at the most. The area itself and the entirety of the regular wilderness will have P2P Rules Enabled - Enter at your own risk!
What can be expected?

In addition to this, we are providing those players who didn't previously get the chance to attain the Cupid Bow (Released for the Valentines event) you will now be able to try again with a brand new mini quest!

You can expect the following, but not limited to;
- Ranges, Anvils, Furnaces etc. within mere steps of a Bank Chest
- Iron, Coal, Mith, Adamantite, Runite & Rune Essence mining rocks
- Various trees
- Fishing spots
- Agility obsticles
- Various thieving NPC's
- A wide variety of NPC's with Ranging and/or Casting locations
How do I get there?
Once the event has been started, you can simply type ::event from any non wilderness or event location. To leave the area you can either type ::leave, teleport out or speak to a Skipper who will return you to Edgeville.
! ! ! WARNING ! ! !
Some of the monsters in the area are very easily capable of killing your characters, therefore, it is is strongly advised that you do not enter the enclosed combat areas with any monster whilst wearing items in which you don't want to risk losing!
I will also reiterate that there is an area designated to being wilderness only. We strongly advise you do not enter unless you are prepared.
We hope you all have a great time! We are looking to start the event approximately 09:00 CST / 15:00 GMT
RSCR Mod Team