Introducing a new Slayer Master!
Elderly Pathfinder - 70 Slayer Requirement - found in Yanille.
Skip task (60 points)
Skip-block task (120 points)
Extend task (240 points)
-Earth Warrior
-Loaded Chicken
-Blue Dragon
-Ice Golem
-Greater Demon
-Animated Axe
-Giant Bat
-Ogre Chieftan
-Pack Leader
-Ice Giant
-Ice Spider
-Ice Warrior
-Grey Wolf
-Poison Spider
-Moss Giant
-Renegade Knight
-Cave Troll
-Swamp Slime
-Rock Golem
-Sand Burrower
-Jungle Troll
-Mud Golem
-Mith Golem
-Addy Golem
-Swamp Burrower
-Lesser Demon
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
Read the Rules