Slayer Ring bug

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xbenx Send PM


Posts: 3

I'm not sure if this one has been reported before, but just caught it and wanted to bring it to light. If you have multiple slayer rings in your bank account and take one out to use it. When you use it, it'll overwrite the other rings in your inventory. So if you have 4 rings that have 8 charges, take one out, use it, and return it to your bank - all your rings will have 7 charges.

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 570

This isn't a bug but just the way it works here, same with dragon amulets etc. Once the charges have been used up one ring will be destroyed and then the count will start again.

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xbenx Send PM


Posts: 3

I understand that the one item should have the charges used up. However, if I have a bank with 8 rings, all with 8 charges. I take one out and use it. When I go back to my bank, all 8 of my rings now have 7 charges despite only using one ring once. It's frustrating because every new ring I get now has 3 charges when I click on my bank (even if I don't deposit it). This prohibits users from having multiple slayer rings as the amount of charges they have will be replaced with the one that's lowest.

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Xyz123 Send PM


Posts: 61

xbenx said:

I understand that the one item should have the charges used up. However, if I have a bank with 8 rings, all with 8 charges. I take one out and use it. When I go back to my bank, all 8 of my rings now have 7 charges despite only using one ring once. It's frustrating because every new ring I get now has 3 charges when I click on my bank (even if I don't deposit it). This prohibits users from having multiple slayer rings as the amount of charges they have will be replaced with the one that's lowest.

It's the same with dragon & slayer amulets, they are locked to your accounts usage. All the other ammys/rings have the same 4/8 uses they would do when fully charged/new. When you examine a ring or amulet, it only shows how many charges you have left before that ring or amulet is used up. There's no bug mate, just the way it's coded. If you were to trade a ring or ammy that only had one charge left to a new level 3 account, that ring or ammy would also have 4/8 uses.

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Synbios Send PM


Posts: 406

Yea I don't use slayer rings so I can't say for sure but I think what Terror was saying is that even though all your rings show less charges, they reset back to 8 once the first ring is used up. And the second and so on. So you'll use a ring 7 times and it will show 1 charge left on all rings; but once you burn up that last charge your remaining 7 rings will go back up to 8 charges so you'll still be getting the proper 64 charges for 8 rings.