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Hymenorrhaphy Send PM


Posts: 3

Since setting up my iron man character, my time on rscrevolution could be comparable to that of a Hobbiton resident; secluded & simple. Whilst some sought victory through PK domination, and others grew wealth to proudly show off whatever rare colourful hat in the Edgeville bank, I've kept relatively to myself.

Picking flax to turn into bowstring, chopping magic trees to to fletch into longbows, killing dragons to obtain the nature runes to high alch (an iron mans best friend) the bows and in turn get enough gp to pay for another months worth of subsets to sit and continue the self sufficient grind.

(That's not to say I haven't spoken to/got help from some great people along the way - which is also the reason for this post)

So when I checked back in on the website this week to see that runecrafting had been added I couldn't wait to get back on and enjoy this new skill.

Only to be hit with the realisation that obtaining the nature rune talisman would require me to face the dreaded Reaper.

Just to reiterate, in the 3 or so years I've played on and off I've literally never tried any of this team/clan malarkey, any sort of pking, nor any of these rscrevolution boss fights. I'm essentially a level 121 complete beginner when it comes to any of this stuff.

So this is why I am reaching out, I'm wondering whether there is any person/group willing to allow me to tag along/teach me the ways of the force and defeat this bastard so he can give me what's rightfully mine, a nature tally.

Feel free to message me in game or below.

P.s I'm 99 att/str/def/mage, but my range is a piss weak 78 (it's boring af to train - don't you judge me) so I'm hoping I can be of some use.

Many thanks
Iron Hymen

Vinkie Send PM


From: Shilo Village
Posts: 307

at 78 you should be fine, as long as you're only there with 2-3 or so people. Any more and you would at least need ranging pots and rune arrows to get a kill (unless people leave a couple extra dogs).
You'll be fine smile