Hello all, this guide will introduce you to a few training spots that can be used to train melee combat, as well as provide some advice in regards to the appropriate gear to wear while training.
Training from level 1
At level one you should really be training at the chickens in level two wilderness north of Edgeville. Basically, stand next to the chickens and they will begin to attack you. Once you are out of combat, remember to pick up the feathers that the chickens drop.
Training from level 20
At level twenty you should be training on the Castle Muggers that reside in the wilderness castle. The wilderness castle is rather dangerous, so it is a good idea to only bring three items with you and be very careful not to attack other players. Kill the Castle Muggers and collect all of the items that they drop, except for the iron axes. Once you have about 5,000 gold coins, it is a good idea to bank your loot and then return to kill more of the Castle Muggers.
Best of luck and happy training!