Introduction An in depth guide to killing The Reaper
Why Fighting the Reaper can result to in game riches especially if: A) You are tired of training on regular NPCs for loot B) Slayer already got you flat aka 99 att, def, str, hits C) You want to make good money consistently while training some important skills.
Killing the Reaper results in possibly training: Combat stats via hellhounds NPC Range (ranging hellhounds) Magic (casting) Prayer via dragon bone drops Fletching via yew log certs drops Cooking via raw sea turtle and raw manta drops Smithing via iron ore, silver, gold, coal certificate drops Herblaw via Kwuarm, Cadatine, Dwarf weed drops Crafting via uncut dragonstones, silver, gold
Agility (65 agility is preferred, 90 agility recommended) If you don’t have your agility yet remember to bring a charged dragonstone amulet for Edgeville banking or home teleport to Lumbridge to bank.
Where Reaper is located in level 50 east wild via Mad Zeonk teleport (recommended) or by walking from 1-ip east wild 1 to 52.
Come naked as there may be PKers roaming At 52 east wild click on gravestone > descend
Lair features: 3 gates (North gate: first entrance, South gate: bank guarded by level 54 skeletons, West gate: long walk around lair to reach reaper)
Note*:If you have 90 agility you can distort into the reaper lair immediately after entering from the North gate and banking. If you have 65 agility you can come from inside the lair towards outside to the bank.
What Required level: No combat level requirements although you’ll need the following:
Preferably 75+ hit points as you’ll sustain high damage Preferably 85+ Range with rune arrows and ranging potion or 90+ magic with god mage arena spells and charge spell Note*: you have to hit at least 20 percent damage to get a drop.
-Full armour, no shield required -Melee weapon: r2h or better -At least 200 rune arrows/500 god mage casts, -Magic bow/god staff -Ranging potions for lower level rangers, cure poison for in case you get poisoned along the way, sleeping bag if you are maging -Sharks should fill the rest of your inventory
How To kill the reaper requires a very simple explanation: 1) You range/mage reaper one hit 2) He/she spawns a hellhound designated for each person spawning 3) You safespot range/mage/melee your hellhound 4) With one person tanking behind the second tombstone from web (to hold the reaper), everyone then shoots and kills the Reaper
FALL 2020 Gameplay
In order to guarantee that everyone gets a drop you must (sort of) memorise the following hellhound count:
-With two people (absolutely need 90+ range/magic) kill two out of two possible hellhounds aka kill all
-With three people (20 percent x 3 = 60 percent reaper life) kill three out of three hellhounds possible
-With four people (20 percent x 4 = 80 percent reaper life) leave 1-2 dogs ALIVE aka maximum only two people have to spawn
-With five people leave 2-3 dogs alive aka only spawn two or three of the possible five hellhounds aka kill 2 hellhounds Note*: the reason you leave dogs alive is because the hellhounds heal the reaper, you want reaper to have a bit more life depending on scenario so that everyone can hit 20 percent and receive a drop.
-With six or more people kill two dogs only (aka leave 4 dogs alive during the fight with the reaper if 6 people, or 5 dogs alive for 7 people and so on) Note*: in most cases there will only be three people reaping at a time
Summary: -Spawn dog(s), kill dogs, kill reaper -Gather huge amount of loot to fill your bank -This is the only team sport in the game aside from PKing -Get rich
Will post an update with some pictures at a future date
Please leave comments, feedback, and questions below.
Pictures would be a great addition, yeah. you can embed them after a post count of 10. Best of luck on the guide! Always good to see these being created, helping out future reaper runners Maybe something about distances (being safe behind the black line, how far you need to walk to lure) and logging out to reset dogs in case they're stuck?
Introduction An in depth guide to killing The Reaper
Will post an update with some pictures at a future date
Please leave comments, feedback, and questions below.
Happy Reaping!
I have been logging in every single day for nearly a year waitting on some said pictures. Every time i log on I think this will be the time! Sadly it never occurred.