Lower the requirement of the sewer pipe to 70 Agility to access blue dragons.This will incentivize players to train agility early on and will make farming Blue Dragons / Scales viable. (I literally blocked Blue Dragons as a slayer task simply because of the walking distance between trips was not worth it.)
Add a second Taverly dungeon shortcut just to the west of the entrance. Keep this shortcut with a 85 agility requisite. This will allow for efficient orb charging runs and will incentivize the crafting of battlestaves. This will also allow ease of access to Black Dragons & Black Demons for those who have spent a long time grinding agility.
Increase the shop cap of battlestaves from Zaff & The Magic Guild shop to 50-100 staves instead of 10. (Perhaps tie this in as a team skill perk once the system is re-worked.)
Suggested Shortcut changes -