- Agility cape no fall damage or you dont fail obstacles (make it worth while getting)
-Attack cape gives +4 Weaponaim bonus
-Cooking cape cooks twice as fast as usual speed
-Crafting cape gives chance to craft 2 bars at a time
-Defense cape gives +9 armor attribute bonus
-Fishing cape gives you 20% chance of catching two fish at once.
-Fletching cape gives you 25% chance to fletch twice in one go.
-Hitpoints cape gives 2x restore rate for Hits stat.
-Herblaw cape gives you 25% chance to make potions twice in one go.
-Hits cape gives 2x restore rate for hits stat, stack with rapid heal prayer for 4x healing rate
-Magic cape gives +7 magic attribute bonus
-Mining cape makes you more likely to succeed at getting ore on any given swing + double ores
-Prayer: 10-15% chance on each tick of prayer will prevent it from draining with skillcape equipped (Non-PVP only)
-Ranged cape 15%chance of shooting 2 arrows at once (non pvp only)
-Smithing cape on smithing above Smith -2 less coal needed per bar, plus 100% iron smelt.
-Strength cape gives +3 Weaponpower bonus (RSCR theoretical maximum melee hit is now 37 as a result)
-Thieving cape makes you less likely to fail maybe more % than it's at already
-Woodcut cape less chance of making tree fail + d axe would be awesome
-Max cape gives the best overall bonuses with +4 Weaponaim, +7 Armor, +4 Weaponpower, 1.2x restore rate for hits stat, +3 prayer, +5 magic, half of range skillcape bonus, fatigue gains 10% slower
-PK Cape gives +5 armor +2 prayer; can use super potions on it to be stored in the cape, when you later "Activate" the cape this applies a dose of all pots at once
-Quest Cape gives Shilo village teleport, Hero’s guild teleport, Gnome Tree, Underground Pass (staff recharge) teleport, +2 armor (+legends tele?!)