In order from most recent to least, be back soon to hand out can's of whoopass. Just trying to make a 30 man discord atm. Haters gonna hate, potatos gonna potat. Go pro chest cam pk vids comin soon Video I sent to Nyx with shit clips I couldn't use for propeer vid when he quit because Billy wouldn't ban me for using the SpeedSet, just to prove I never needed it and that I'm better without it (thanks again for helping me discover this, you made me 10x the PKer I was) Karma came and bit me on the arse for recording these fights and Maddog cleaned me for 4 hats and nearly made me rage quit. Lucky bank of Gamble took me in and I kept the PK scene alive for months to come
Can a mod just delete this thread plz doesnt have the same effect when u can't view them all on this website. All those vids had correct tags but only 1 showed
Used to be able to post multiple videos in one post, not sure why Beat can and we can't!
[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img] Billy Mays' Quest Reviews