All right, since Reconone didn't list the dig locations for Easy/Medium clues, I've put together most of the easy/medium dig locations myself.
Easy/Medium Digs (in progress)
When you get a clue that states something like "Treasure is 7.5 North-east of you" regardless of where you are, teleport to where it says below, click the clue again and see what the numbers are. use CTRL +F to search for that number, say 3.06 NW, that would be the exact spot.
Warning: Medium dig clues can spawn medium god agents (Lv. 87, poisonous if Saradominist, will cast if you use Paralyze Monster), but easy dig clues do not spawn god agents.
Easy clue digs are listed first, followed by medium digs.
Note: Sometimes when they update the server, the exact coordinates can change due to changes in tiles, but I will try to keep this as up to date as possible as I get these clues.
If you get an Easy/Medium Coordinate clue not listed here, or coordinates are missing, please take note of all 5 coordinates from base teleport spots (Varrock/Lumby/Fally/Camelot/Ardy) and post them here! If the spot is not here or a picture is missing, please take a picture too! Also let me know if any of these are wrong, maybe it really is or the tile distances changed again. Would really appreciate it, and it would help others!
Draynor Fence (Easy)
Varrock: 1.56 SW
Lumbridge: 1.05 NW
Falador: 1.14 SE
Camelot: 2.94 SE
Ardounge: 3.66 SE

Falador Castle (Easy))
Varrock: 2.02 SW
Lumbridge: 2.1 NW
Falador: 0.12 SW
Camelot: 1.86 SE
Ardounge: 2.8 NE

Draynor Manor Web (Easy)
Varrock: 0.97 SW
Lumbridge: 1.33 NW
Falador: 1.04 NE
Camelot: 2.72 SE
Ardounge: 3.87 NE
Note: You need to cut the web first
Ardounge Castle (Easy)
Varrock: 4.94 SW
Lumbridge: 4.84 NW
Falador: 2.96 SW
Camelot: 2.05 SW
Ardounge: 0.19 NW

Desert Scorpion Pit (Easy)
Varrock: 0.99 SE (Thanks to ReconOne for this one!)
Lumbridge: 0.74 NE
Falador: 2.43 SE
Camelot: 4.15 SE
Ardounge: 5.16 NE

Falador Houses (Easy)
Varrock: 1.5 SW
Lumbridge: 1.74 NW
Falador: 0.48 NE
Camelot: 2.21 SE
Ardounge: 3.31 NE

Chaos (Wine of Zamorak) Temple (Easy)
Falador: 1.21 NW
Varrock: 2.85 NW
Draynor: 3.19 NW (drag ammy teleport)
Edgeville: 1.22 NW (drag ammy teleport)
Falador: 1.41 NW
Seers: 2.09 NE (drag ammy teleport)

Draynor Wizard Tower (Easy)
Varrock: 2.17 SW
Lumbridge: 1.08 SW
Falador: 1.76 SE
Camelot: 3.49 SE
Ardounge: 3.81 SE

Barbarian Village (Easy)
Falador: 0.89 NE
Lumbridge: 1.78 NW
Draynor: 1.41 NW (drag ammy teleport)
Falador: 1.21 NE
Edgeville: 0.7 SW (drag ammy teleport)
Lumbridge: 2.51 NW

Yanille Behind Bank (Easy)
Yanille: 0.07 NW

Taverly Lake Peninsula (Easy)
Falador: 0.5 NW
Edgeville: 2.03 SW (drag ammy teleport)
Draynor: 2.48 NW (drag ammy teleport)
Falador: 0.7 NW
Seers: 2.26 SE (drag ammy teleport)

Hadley's House Near Baxtorian Falls (Easy)
Varrock: 3.56 NW
Lumbridge: 5.57 NW
Falador: 3.49 NW
Camelot: 1.94 SW
Ardounge: 1.44 NW

Rimmington Well (Easy)
Falador: 1.13 SW
Draynor: 1.41 SW (drag ammy teleport)
Karamja: 0.69 NE (drag ammy teleport)
Varrock: 3.63 SW
Al Kharid: 2.83 NW (drag ammy teleport)

Al Kharid House 2nd Floor (Easy)
Varrock: 1.77 SE (above)
Lumbridge: 0.52 SE (above)
Falador: 2.66 SE (above)
Camelot: 4.46 SE (above)
Ardounge: 5.14 SE (above)

Lumbridge Graveyard (Easy)
Yanille: 5.73 NE (drag ammy teleport)
Draynor: 1.41 SE (drag ammy teleport)
Al Kharid: 0.65 NW (drag ammy teleport)

Port Sarim Jail (Easy)
Varrock: 2.24 SW
Lumbridge: 1.61 SW
Falador: 1.13 SE
Camelot: 2.75 SE
Ardounge: 3.09 SE

Next to Varrock Castle (Easy)
Varrock: 0.37 NE
Draynor: 2.59 NE (drag ammy teleport)

Taverly Center (Easy)
Varrock: 2.53 NW
Lumbridge: 2.92 NW
Falador: 0.79 NW
Camelot: 1.02 SE
Ardounge: 2.46 NE

Lumbridge Castle Shortcut to Knife (Easy)
Varrock: 1.62 SW
Lumbridge: 0.18 SW
Falador: 2.19 SE
Camelot: 3.99 SE
Ardounge: 4.65 SE

Karamja Banana Crate (Easy)
Varrock: 3.02 SW
Lumbridge: 2.27 SW
Falador: 1.64 SW
Camelot: 2.87 SE
Ardounge: 2.66 SE

Lumbridge Wheat Field (Easy)
Varrock: 1.33 SW
Lumbridge: 0.65 NW
Falador: 1.51 SE
Camelot: 3.3 SE
Ardounge: 4.18 NE

Al Kharid Palace Fountains (Easy)
Varrock: 1.89 SE
Lumbridge: 0.61 SE
Falador: 2.74 SE
Camelot: 4.55 SE
Ardounge: 5.19 SE

White Wolf Mountain (West Entrance) (Easy)
Varrock: 2.82 NW
Lumbridge: 2.31 NW
Falador: 1.07 NW
Camelot: 0.73 SE
Ardounge: 2.25 NE

Near Varrock West Bank (Easy)
Varrock: 0.38 SW
Lumbridge: 1.46 NW
Falador: 1.6 NE
Camelot: 3.11 SE
Ardounge: 4.44 NE

Camelot Castle (Easy)
Varrock: 3.54 NW
Lumbridge: 4.02 NW
Falador: 1.88 NW
Camelot: 0.07 NW
Ardounge: 2.07 NE

Pipes Near Champion's Guild (Easy)
Varrock: 0.64 SW
Lumbridge: 0.98 NW
Falador: 1.55 SE
Camelot: 3.24 SE
Ardounge: 4.35 NE

Lumbridge Castle Archway Interior (Easy)
Varrock: 1.54 SE above
Lumbridge: 0.1 SE above
Falador: 2.21 SE above
Camelot: 4.01 SE above
Ardounge: 4.71 SE above

Karamja's Moss Giant Island (Medium)
Varrock: 4.29 SW
Lumbridge: 3.98 SW
Falador: 2.34 SW
Camelot: 2.15 SW
Ardounge: 0.82 SE

Near Coal Trucks (Medium)
Varrock: 4.72 NW
Lumbridge: 5.06 NW
Falador: 2.93 NW
Camelot: 1.26 SW
Ardounge: 1.59 NW

Dolmen Near Gnomes (Medium)
Varrock: 6.31 SW
Lumbridge: 6.39 NW
Falador: 4.38 NW
Camelot: 2.97 SW
Ardounge: 1.8 NW

Next to Purple Dye Spawn (Medium)
Varrock: 5.18 SW
Draynor: 4.08 SW (drag ammy teleport)
Shilo: 2.98 NW (quest cape teleport)
Hero's Guild: 3.11 SW (quest cape teleport)
Yanille: 1.33 NW (drag ammy teleport)

Jungle Spider Island (Medium)
Varrock: 4.81 SW
Lumbridge: 4.24 SW
Falador: 2.98 SW
Camelot: 3.06 SW
Ardounge: 1.45 SE

Lumbridge Swamp (Medium)
Seers: 6.15 SE (drag ammy teleport)
Home teleport: 0.53 SW

Clock Tower Second Floor (Medium)
Hero's Guild: 4 SW (above) (quest cape teleport)
Ardounge: 0.22 SE (above)

Lucien's Hideout (Medium)
Varrock: 0.53 NW
Lumbridge: 1.86 NW
Falador: 1.77 NE
Camelot: 3.08 SE
Ardounge: 4.58 NE

Next to Necromancer's House (Medium)
Varrock: 4.64 SW
Lumbridge: 4.4 SW
Falador: 2.67 SW
Camelot: 2.18 SW
Ardounge: 0.42 SE

Near Karamja Volcano (Medium)
Varrock: 3.28 SW
Lumbridge: 2.63 SW
Falador: 1.69 SW
Camelot: 2.66 SE
Ardounge: 2.28 SE

Draynor Wheat Field (Medium)
Varrock: 1.4 SW
Lumbridge: 0.86 NW
Falador: 1.29 SE
Camelot: 3.1 SE
Ardounge: 3.87 NE

Magic Guild 3rd Floor (Medium)
Varrock: 5.48 SW above
Lumbridge: 4.98 SW above
Falador: 3.58 SW above
Camelot: 3.33 SW above
Ardounge: 1.38 SW above

Varrock Sewer Scorpion Area (Medium)
Varrock: 0.57 NE (below)
Lumbridge: 1.99 NE (below)
Falador: 2.33 NE (below)
Camelot: 3.62 NE (below)
Ardounge: 5.14 NE (below)

West of Tree Gnome Village (Medium)
Varrock: 5.99 SW
Lumbridge: 5.66 SW
Falador: 4.02 SW
Camelot: 3.33 SW
Ardounge: 1.29 SW

Chef's Guild 3rd Floor (Medium)
Note: You need Chef's hat to go inVarrock: 0.61 NW above
Lumbridge: 1.73 NW above
Falador: 1.48 NE above
Camelot: 2.87 SE above
Ardounge: 4.31 NE above

Behind Monastery South of Ardounge (Medium)
Varrock: 4.97 SW
Lumbridge: 4.68 SW
Falador: 3.01 SW
Camelot: 2.49 SW
Ardounge: 0.52 South (Directly South!)
No picture yet!Behind Asgarnia Ice Dungeon Cliffside (Medium)
Note: The coordinates for Camelot and Ardounge match up perfectly! This just means that one is more south than east, and vice versa. What a coincidence! Or is it...?Varrock: 2.7 SW
Lumbridge: 1.8 SW
Falador: 1.68 SE
Camelot: 3.17 SE (More South than East!)
Ardounge: 3.17 SE (More East than South!)

South of Gu'Tanoth (Medium)
Note: Watch out for Grey Wolf!Varrock: 6.42 SW
Lumbridge: 5.57 SW
Falador: 4.59 SW
Camelot: 4.41 SW
Ardounge: 2.41 SW

Near Gnome Glider on Karamja (Medium)
Varrock: 3.67 SW
Lumbridge: 2.88 SW
Falador: 2.17 SW
Camelot: 3.09 SE
Ardounge: 2.42 SE

Goblin Cave Near Fishing Guild (Medium)
Note: This is a great place to farm Easy Clues!
Varrock: 4.96 SW below
Lumbridge: 5.15 NW below
Falador: 3.07 NW below
Camelot: 1.59 SW below
Ardounge: 1.16 NW below

North of Baxtorian Falls (Medium)
Note: The metal fence is there due to past Ranged events that happened here.
Varrock: 5.45 NW
Lumbridge: 5.82 NW
Falador: 3.69 NW
Camelot: 1.97 NW
Ardounge: 2.02 NW

Thanks to ReconOne for helping me with this!