chat size

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New Year Send PM


Posts: 28

Hello RSCR staff, hope all is well. Can You guys please make it so in 'Chat' options in game, we can turn chat size to medium , or large?
I increase my game size but the chat is still tiny and its hard to read. Appreciate it, cheers & happy Holidays

Umbaman Send PM


Posts: 46

Hey smile

I think that it would be a nice and very pratical idea if it was possible to adjust chat size indepedent of the resolution one is using. So +1 from my side.

Perhaps it might make sense to consider to increase the lines the chat shows from 4 to 5-6, or perhaps a custom number depending on the font size / chat size? smile


Last edited by Umbaman (12 Dec 2019 01:31)

Royal crusade Send PM


From: Phat Factory
Posts: 13

looks good

Regards your R0yAL7y