Crystal chest

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maisa Send PM


From: helsinki
Posts: 3

I suggest to upgrade crystal chest loot little better like in orginal chest but get rid of that fking spinach roll ! i used like 50 keys and everytime i get d stone and spinach roll..  i mean in orginal chest the possible loot were:

Uncut dragonstone, Spinach roll, 2000 Coins
Uncut dragonstone, Raw swordfish certificate, 1000 Coins
Uncut dragonstone, Runes
Uncut dragonstone, 20 x Coal certificate
Uncut dragonstone, 2 x Ruby, 2 x Diamond
Uncut dragonstone Half of a key (tooth/loop) Coins Uncut dragonstone, Half of a key, 750 Coins
Uncut dragonstone, 3 x Runite bar
Uncut dragonstone, 30 x Iron ore certificate
Uncut dragonstone, Adamant Square Shield
Uncut dragonstone, Rune Plate Mail Legs

something like that.. ?


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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 613

I am quite a regular crystal key user and the loot you describe is exactly what you can get from the chest here!

Are you sure you didn't get anything other then spinach roll and dragon stone?

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maisa Send PM


From: helsinki
Posts: 3

Sry not everytime but like 40 out of 50

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Mod Vinkie Send PM


From: Draynor
Posts: 253

The spinach roll drop is much more common than the other ones just like in classic, which is also shown on the wiki.

The guaranteed dragonstone alone has at least a 10k gp value so you already get most of your money back from those. Making the other drops more common would be quite impactful, especially given the many slayer npcs/tasks and npcs in general dropping key halves.
I guess you can choose to eat/drop them, or create an interesting collection smile

That said, it may be fun to have 'improved' keys of some sort in the future, either as drop or something used on the keys (or combining?), for an additional loot table.

Plenty of potential there big_smile