It's almost 2020 you shouldn't even need to spend months training your shit nomore, char parking is not a problem, if anything it makes the action last longer, and wildy more active. What's a problem is you as an example, and your 40 man team, only pking when you have triple the numbers, then crying when you are 10vs2ing someone and they login a alt of their own and cry how multi is killing the server. I can probably name 1-2 players from the ''multiers'' that would gank new players, whereas you are doing it yourself with 10 guys at any given time.
+ There is NEVER going to be a flood of new players joining into RSC, Everyone knows Rev exists, instead of adding more and more restrictions into the wildy, don't make it so fucking hard to get the accounts, some people feel like it's easy when they afk 24/7 for 2 months and spend all their free time afking with their phone aswell, but who the fuck wants to do that. You shouldn't have to go through all that *JUST TO PK*, people PK because they want to enjoy the nostalgia and have fun, just let fucking players set their stats in wildy, or implement my Pking mode suggestion, the said accounts wouldn't have any effect outside of the wilderness, meaning their stats would be 1 1 1.
Now the new players and the ones who dont want to spend months training before they can PK, can challenge the '' castle account parkers'' and fight them themselves, and the ones who don't enjoy that style of Pking, can PK at other areas which we already have ( but are really not used, because we know everyone who complains about this shit wont pk no matter what the rules are) and another fucking problem fixed. I can't believe how this can be so hard to comprehend, especially when this has absolutely no negative sides to the gameplay, and would boost the sub sales also.
1) "char parking is not a problem, if anything it makes the action last longer, and wildy more active."
- There is no action at castle. It is absolutely dead bc of the parking. People fight for a few mins then someone would ambush them with a higher level. They never come back to the wilderness again. There wouldn't be a 2ip fort if castle wasn't a problem. Fort is an artificial lure to foster pking action since castle was exploited by people who have a lot of free time on their hand.
2) "here is NEVER going to be a flood of new players joining into RSC, Everyone knows Rev exists, instead of adding more and more restrictions into the wildy, don't make it so fucking hard to get the accounts, some people feel like it's easy when they afk 24/7 for 2 months and spend all their free time afking with their phone aswell, but who the fuck wants to do that."
- Existing players already have accounts, they don't have time to train 10 accounts at every single level to compete with folks who have a huge char lists for some odd reason. Artificially giving players easy obtainable stats or "Pking mode" suggestion will make it even worse with teams who have a lot of uniques. This will allow them to have multiple chars camped around the wilderness, which only exacerbates the problem. It's ironic that you're complaining about a "40-man team" yet suggesting pking mode at the same time, which would ultimately result in uniques having even more flat accounts at their disposal. Good luck competing against that.
3) "just let fucking players set their stats in wildy, or implement my Pking mode suggestion, the said accounts wouldn't have any effect outside of the wilderness, meaning their stats would be 1 1 1."
- highly unethical since people have already earned their stats legit via sub cards/hundreds of hours training to pk. Not to mention if this was possible, teams with a lot of uniques would be able to obtain multiple flats and completely decimate the wilderness. In addition, allowing players to set their stats will have huge reprecussions in the wilderness. This is RSCRevolution, not turnip. One is alive, the other is dead.
Castle is not dead because of char parking, its dead because there is no fucking players left. Before you joined here few months back or whenever the fuck you did, castle was popping, and charwars and teamwars were a really common thing. And who cares if something is highly unethical or whatever, but if you're going to add MORE restrictions it WILL just kill the server even more, I've seen all the changes they've done over here when you have not been around, and the result has always been MORE players quitting, not coming back, or wildy atleast not being anymore active, ever. That's why everyone should have the possibility to defend themselves from these so called ''multi gankers'' which don't even exist, i can't even understand how you're comparing Pk mode accounts to your 40 man team. What are 3 guys with 1 flats supposed to do when you and your 10 mates jump them? atleast if they had the accounts they could try and defend themselves without losing 100%. I'm not ranting about this shit because i want shit easier because i dont need accounts and i never will and if i had to train a list to pk with for the 100th time on the 100th server i wouldn't even play, but there are massive amount of people who don't play for these reasons.
The biggest problem is teams, which you play a huge part in. If you split your 40 man team into 5 teams, there would already be alot of action, but we all know thats not happening, but you prefer ganking people 10vs2 and making pking videos of it and pretending to be a Pker or some shit. You think the new players want to compete against that? I can tell you that most of the oldschoolers which i know almost everyone personally, and i am still in touch with alot of them, would enjoy 3vs3 charwars etc alot more than waiting 3 hours to get numbers to match 10vs10 to fight for 5 mins in fort and wait an another hour for the other side to get even more numbers because they just lot the war and can't handle losing so they wont come back. That is another reason why no1 is fuckin with this nomore. We need the old players back, without them the wildy will be 100% dead, just like it is. Cbf to argue with someone who has no knowledge of whatsoever when it comes to anything Pking related, as you are someone who started pking 3 months ago at the border, and you don't even know any of the pkers or why they won't play. Maybe your border friends will say they're not pking because of the char parking, but they're just as fuckin stupid as u are; as example, you and your 5 mates came up from border, on fuckin 3x lvl 48 def magers, and 3 fighters to attack me when i was alone on a lvl 48, i logged in 2 more accounts to try and put up a fight against you who jump 1 guy with 6 guys and with fuckin magers at those levels, you all ran back to border yelling '' hAHAH ROFL NOOB MULTI OMG !!!'' which is fuckin ridiculous. I clearly had the disadvantage, still there was something wrong about me logging in more accounts, as always. 99% pkers will give u fair fights, you guys NEVER accept them, but you complain about not getting them, you even complain about char parking in_FORT_ when there is a IP limit over there, and you have NEVER pked outnumbered yourself, so you always have the advantage no matter what. Peace out i'll be checking back in if some players come back who will actually PK because right now this is a damn joke.