Players from Canada with Bell ISP [Connection issues]

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

For a long time now players sharing the same ISP have been having connection issues, no matter the host location it's just as severe.

The cause:
I've been analyzing and researching why this happens and there's clearly something off at ISPs end. There's severe packet loss and retransmission of packets, pretty much whenever you receive more than one packet a second or sometimes not even that. This causes bunch of connection issues like lag, delay, disconnections.  There's likely to be some kind of packet analyzing/filtering going on at the ISP. Searches and attempts to contact Bell have shown that Bell does not acknowledge this as an issue, as ping, traceroutes and connection speed tests work correctly.

Encryption and tunneling of internet traffic using VPN. This stops your ISP from messing with your outgoing and incoming data. Results have shown that there's no more packet loss after using VPN.

If you think there's something off with your connection, might experience packet loss, ping spikes etc. You might benefit from downloading Wireshark and filtering results for port 43592. If you see bunch of rows highlighted in black, and they happen often when lag happens in game, there's something off with your connection. Solution for it might be a VPN, or you can try to ask your ISP for help.