Hello! This update patches the very few bugs in our event system, and introduces new features which we received feedback from.
-Fixed getting stuck in respawn zone when logging out during respawning.
-Fixed being able to get hit by projectile if being maged right before event ends.
-Fixed being able to remove the team capes in TDM
-Fixed blue team respawn point in Castle map.
-Unrelated to events: Fixed problems with coloured texts receiving horrible shadowing (i.e in team names).
-Changed 'minimum' start wait time to 1 minute
-Changed disconnection wait time to 30 seconds from 15 seconds.
-The Castle map has been changed, more space in the middle, the lava and the walls have been removed. Additionally some of the colouring has been changed and the ground received much darker tone.
-Assists, you will now receive 5 points if you contributed the most damage but someone else gets the last hit.
Last hit is still the one who gets 10 points.
-Colored names (in right click too), and skulls for each team to make it easier to distinguish who's in which team.
-Bubble above head for flag carrier to make it easier to see who's carrying the flag.
I hope everyone is enjoying the event system as much as I do, and we are very happy how well the release went.
Thanks everyone for playing