There is an inherent problem that comes with unidentified herbs and am automated trading system. The problem of not knowing what you are buying is a tough problem to solve. rscrevolution 2 and 3 solved this by introducing the grimy system for herbs and removing unids from the game. However, I feel that this would not be the best solution for this server. Player to player trading solves the unid problem usually by selling in a minimum number of item stacks (i.e. 10). We should be able to do the same on the auction house.
I propose a new item set called unid herb set. This can be made by talking to an auctioneer (
Iike making armor sets) with noted / unoted 1 of each herb unidentified (besides tortsol). The player can then be able to sell the unid herb set/box on the auction house or even trade it normally like before in a player to player trade.