Hey all, just started playing around yesterday and liked the server, so I would like to take the time to introduce myself. TL/Dr at bottom
Most people call me Kal or Kally. I'm a Brandon Sanderson fan and anyone who has read his books know where the name came from. I'm a lighthearted fella with a roughneck personality. I like to be fun and goofy but also am competitive and get along well with like minded individuals.
I started out in 07 with RS2 and I don't quite like the new changes in RS3. I've never played classic but I'm really excited that I can do it with my mobile phone.
I work alot and rarely have time to play, but I would like to get some laid back friend to chat with. I'm a pc gamer, usually play arma 3.
Tl/Dr call me Kal, I love to talk shit and hate ass kissers . Nice to meet you.