
Player avatar

Shinta Send PM


Posts: 2


Just tried logging into Kenshiro and says it's permanently disabled and to check inbox for details. Haven't received any message in my inbox so wondering what this is about? I logged in at druids under edge, was then logged out like 5 seconds later only to try and log back in to find my account disabled.


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Shinta Send PM


Posts: 2

This is the method of play I was using at the time I logged in and found the account was disabled.


Reason for this is,

1. Where I am now I cannot access RSCR directly as we only have local intranet access and some internet access.

2. The client won't let me minimise it small enough to only see those buttons - I need the discreteness.

Basically I'm VPNed back home, RDPed onto one of my machines which has the RSCR client running.

I've got a timer setup for every 6 minutes to beep into my earpiece to remind me to check the RDP window as it should be logged out, I click the enter and then ok button to log back in. If someone was trying to interact with me at the time, I wouldn't have reacted.

If you're decision still stands, that's fine. I'll make another account, regardless I'll stop using this method of play on any of my accounts as it's obviously going to seem suspicious to mods, and given what's happened today not really worth the trouble.