First I would like to request that the bank go back to pages instead of scrolling. I know many players organize their banks by page. Also for android clicking from page to page is much easier than trying to scroll and find something. I can use either way but pages is a much easier system to use.
Second Can we move the scroll bars further away from the edge of the screen and larger in size this makes it very hard to scroll on android.
Third Can we get the magic pop up box back up either for android or both versions of the game. This made magic much less tedious and I much preferred it to having click the menu every time.
Last can we get an option to mute quest/npc/action text... this is the dialog that annoys me. I would love to be able to see private, global, and local chat without it being flooded out by me skilling.
Other then that thanks for the update and the great server. I love the zoom out and I know there is still a lot in progress.