Guy Fakes Sells Fireworks in Edgeville

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 614

Guy Fawkes, located in Edgeville, is now selling fireworks! Let’s light up Edgeville and kick off the new year with a bang!

Fireworks are priced at 50k each. If that feels a bit steep, don’t worry – Guy Fawkes is now offering a recycling service. Got some old rares cluttering up your bank or duplicates you don’t need? Simply put them in your inventory (unnoted) and have a chat with Guy Fawkes about his recycling service.

He’ll make you an offer for your "rares" and if you accept trade your unwanted "rares" for fireworks, making them effectively free! Plus, every firework you set off gives you a chance to win the all-new Dragon Party Hat!


Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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