Merry Christmas, RSCRevolution!

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 620

Merry Christmas, RSCRevolution!

Fa-la-la-la-la, let the merriment begin! Our festive season is in full swing, with tons of exciting treats and adventures for you to enjoy. Here’s everything you need to know about this year’s spectacular Yuletide event:

Collect & Spend Festive Tokens

Play the game as you normally do and you’ll earn Tokens just by adventuring! Later, you can splurge them at the Christmas Shop, where Santa Claus awaits in Edgeville. He’s also doling out 6 × 4-hour Double XP bonuses just for popping by!

Christmas Shop Items

Penguin Hat – 50,000 Tokens A fabulous hat designed by our very own Mod Lucki! Wearing it grants you immunity from snowballs flung by the upcoming Penguin boss.
Mining Satchel - 40,000 Tokens - Collects ores and gems
Pumpkin Spiced Latte – 250 Tokens - Slows fatigue down 50% for two hours
XP Token – 1 Token - A single token that can be spent on any skill to give it a boost.
Santa's Bag – 500 Tokens - Crack open some holiday surprises!
Life Egg – 100 Tokens - These stackable lifesavers bring you back from the brink—stock up!
Shortcut Egg – 1,000 Tokens
Cup of Coffee – 250 Tokens  - Slows fatigue down 50% for two hours (for the non drinkers).

Penguin Spotting

Stumble upon a random penguin anywhere on the map and nab a 100-Token reward. Each time you find one, it teleports off to another hidden location—so keep your eyes peeled!

Ragnarök Penguin Boss – Coming Soon

Behold this year’s showstopper: a brand-new Penguin boss with a twist! Not only can you range or mage him as usual, but you can also multi-melee. With 1,200 HP and a ticking timer shown on-screen, it’ll take at least 2–3+ brave souls to bring him down. If you fail to slay him in time, his health resets and you start fresh. Beware of his potent snowballs—remember those Life Eggs, or slip on a Penguin Hat to avoid the frosty barrage!

Santa’s Lost His Reindeers Quest - Coming soon

Poor Santa has misplaced his reindeers, and it’s up to you to round them up from snowy spots across the map. Return each reindeer to receive a 5,000 Token reward upon completing the quest. Santa will even provide you with a handy compass to help you on your way.

Get ready to deck the halls and have a cracking good time, RSCRevolution! Step into the snow, gather your Tokens, and spread the cheer far and wide. Happy hunting, and may your Christmas be merry and bright!

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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Mod Lucki Send PM

Senior Moderator

From: Taverly
Posts: 66

Event ends Sunday 12/29

Boss and Quest are live.

Every adventure requires a first step..