Remember, Remember, the 5th of November

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From: Lumbridge
Posts: 613

Remember..remember… its the 5th of November! It's that time of year again where we celebrate that time when guy fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament (England) by letting off fireworks and having big bonfires.

It's an interesting English tradition that years gone by we have also celebrated here with fireworks and bonfires!

This evening you will find Guy Fawkes in Edgeville selling off his fireworks for the cheap cheap price of 20k each (subject to inflation due to demand)

When setting these off you stand the chance (1 in 900 chance) not bad right? Of gaining the new Guy Fawkes mask Designed thanks to our very own Mod Lucki.
There will be a bonfire in edgeville as well for you to all use your left over logs to get rid of. Please always check the bonfire for wild life before lighting it.

Happy Bonfire Night from RSCRevolution

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