Post Halloween Events!

Mod Playah Send PM

Senior Moderator

Posts: 139

Hi All! Hope you all enjoyed the HALLOWEEN HOLIDAY EVENT and got the item(s) you desired?

With some generous donations from a few different players who wish to remain anonymous, I've got the following items to use for events. The usual events of lotteries, survivals, hide & seek PVP, level 3 gauntlet races etc. will all be a part of the events.


I will be looking for further suggestions if anyone has any to make? Also, if anyone would like to make any further donations for a particular event, please feel free to contact any of the moderators and we will do what we can.

I am looking to host these events over the weekend from Friday 11th through to Sunday 13th of November. I will also hold some stuff back for our players who are in different time zones, probably do some events around 10am-12pm UK, which suits the EU/AUS players more.


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Synbios Send PM


Posts: 406

Looks like my 2500 casts I donated. I just realized like a dumbass that I should of given you 12,500 fire runes not 15,000 lol. Feel free to keep the extra 2500 if you want to as a tip to say thanks for doing these events seeing as I intended to donate an even 2500 casts.

Last edited by Synbios (11 Nov 2022 03:18)

Mod Playah Send PM

Senior Moderator

Posts: 139

Synbios said:

Looks like my 2500 casts I donated. I just realized like a dumbass that I should of given you 12,500 fire runes not 15,000 lol. Feel free to keep the extra 2500 if you want to as a tip to say thanks for doing these events seeing as I intended to donate an even 2500 casts.

Thank you for your donations. Greatly appreciated.

Due to more donations coming in, I couldn't complete all the events I wanted in the given timeframe. Guess that means just more events and giveaways during the week! smile