War has been declared!

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 616

War has been declared today, flat1 said something about noname and it's all kicked off.

9pm UK TIME.

::event will be set at the location.

Bring your flat pkers. It won't be safe or for cry babies. You will likely die and lose all your cool stuff.

Last one standing declares war victory and gets a statue in honour of the victory. I guess at least some people will need to agree to the winner being who they say they are?

WAR! 9pm tonight, be there!

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

Read the Rules

Dashcrush12 Send PM


Posts: 1

Reasons for going to war—jus ad bellum—are just if (1) war is declared by an appropriate authority; (2) the war is waged for a just cause; and (3) the war is waged for just intentions. An appropriate authority is a proper, governing authority. A “just cause” may include self-defense or a response to injustice.