Bunch of wet beaches

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03Thojon Send PM


Posts: 1

Been gone a while, come back and see that the wild needs some love

You sorry sons of nice parents who raised you well enough to play RSCR until your mid thirties.

Flats seem to be the only PK around at the moment and when discussing with people in game who are interested in variants to endless flat stat pks, I noticed that some of the more ''common'' pking levels have been forgotten.

Let's bring it back?

Monday - Level 33s Edge border
Tuesday - Level 47s Edge border
Wednesday - Level 63s Castle
Thursday - Level 93s Castle
Friday - aint no one tellin u how to spend ur weekend bruh

I know a lot of us have shit going on nowadays, I propose that we set some times? GMT+0 21:00 for variant pking hour for example

If a Mod picks up on this thread, I recall an event in the past that had specific kill points rewarded, is there any chance we could link something like this in to give an extra incentive to enjoying life on RSCR?

Appreciate any positive feedback
Negative feedback is not well received

Yours truly,