Do you enjoy PvP ?

Monomoy Send PM


Posts: 1

i would like to discuss the player vs player combat system when classic was first introduced and the many iterations of PvP that we have seen since, like wilderness, PvP worlds, Bounty Hunter, Deadman mode, LMS.

i think the tdm events on the server are very good, but think the player limit should be lowered to 1v1 and 2v2 (playable like the deathmatch option, and possible to start with 4 players and reduced rewards)

i have played a lot of osrs deadman mode and like all the combat changes they have introduced to balance the gameplay, but if there was a change i could make it would be changing the multiway-pvp zones into singleway-pvp (this would still allow multiway-pvm in applicable areas) that way it would be possible to boss deep wildy at scorpia for example as a solo player, and i would also be interested in an ironman version because i think its unfair to solo players when groups or teams feed op accounts, so although there wouldnt be much looting involved, it would be nice to try a version that was ironman only