5pm UTC! (5pm UK, 6pm Sweden, 7pm Finland & 6pm Germany)
F2P, no slayer mask, no pk cape
Kite, Axe, R2h are allowed
Bows are allowed, 40 pray is allowed (there won't be any altars)
Flats 2v2 war
2x Rune Full (t) with Kite
5000 raw swordfish
40 Mil GP => 20 per winner
20 Diamond Amulets
Flats 4v4 team war
1st War Yellow & Orange Party Hat
2nd War Red &Pink Party Hat
Please sign up or leave a short message, if you cannot make it.
Flats 2v2 f2p
1. 305 & antmann
2. Gotty & Mason
3. Vichama & Monkey Man
4. Gamble & Narcos
5. Djz & Don
6. akuma & junior
7. Snake Bite, da str t3p
8. Mrjohnnyluv & johnssonrang
9. Gemaras & ennmy
10. h0g roast & dixie normous
11. nocashloc & rappsfan
12. Herb law & no brains
13. Wu & Umbaman
Flats 4v4 team war-
1. Djz, Donald, Gamble, Narcos
2. Herb law, junior, mr t, rapps
3. T0nks, da str t3p, woodybeownz, snake bite
4. Gemaras, ennmy, johnssonrang, mrjohnnyluv